Sid the Rabbit

I just watched the Pilot. Holy shit that was hilarious. Hardest I've laughed at anything in 5 months.

Canadians remember this guy from 22 Minutes… Halifax represent 

What was it?

He's going to Dalhousie, a local but still good university.

Prom must be different at my school. Everyone is expected and "pressured" into going, but since my graduating class is 35 (small private school), it's kind of a close-knit affair where everyone subtly drinks throughout the day, and there's one organized after-prom party outside the city where everyone gets hammered

Alison is fighting off Annie's awful characterization so admirably. Great acting.

The tone is fine. The plot and jokes aren't. The scenework and acting as a lot more natural than the first two episodes though.

I just got punished/rewarded for my passionate reaction to the episode. I tweeted:

My problem with History 101 (other than the broadening of the acting, which I know is apparently off-limits since we all love the cast so very much) was that I'm hardpressed to name a single line that I found funny. Sure there were funny bits, but I'm really feeling like the moments on so many of the commentaries

It's interesting that you have an inverse sense of humour to most of the internet and almost all of this website

TV is going to be weird next year…

So I felt really inspired today for the first time to just write an essay. It was odd, I just picked a topic and wrote a 1500 word essay for no reason. I went to post it on my website and realized that I had invented the blog. Oh well. For an aspiring journalist it can't hurt to have a few dozen independent essays

Got my SAT results!

Assuming everyone's DISQUS works the same way, hopefully someone will see this.

That was really rough and really well-written… it's this kind of stuff that makes me feel shitty about my petty teenage drama problems. I have a lot of sympathy, hearing about that is some good perspective.

Yeah, that used to be the way I thought about that stuff in middle school, like couples break up so fast that it' just another obstacle out of the way. If it weren't senior year I'd be thinking like that now too.

I'm not mad at my friend (let's call him Douglas), because it would be pretty selfish for me to be. I mean he likes her the same as I do, the only difference is that she's reciprocating.

Oh, well, another gutpunch.

Slightly higher than technically frenching.

Rough night last night… school dance was mostly good except for the moment where my crush broke off a kiss with me to tell me "I'm sorry, I can't do this, I like [my best friend]".