Sid the Rabbit

Definitely the best of the three so far. Interesting that the 3rd episode of Parks has had my favourite one-liner (so far) two years running.

Definitely the best of the three so far. Interesting that the 3rd episode of Parks has had my favourite one-liner (so far) two years running.

Anybody on here ever watch Jake and Amir videos? Sure they're clearly really easy to write, but I find most of them funny and some of them hysterical. The quick dialogue pretty much makes up for the typical CollegeHumour-type humour. And they are well-written and performed, plus Jean-Ralphio is in a bunch of them.

So I watched The Social Network last night for the first time in a year or so… what a gorgeous movie. The direction, the soundtrack, the acting… and as much as I criticize Sorkin for Studio 60 and Newsroom, the script is brilliant. How on earth he made a concept like that so engrossing is incomprehensible to me.

Remedial Chaos Theory?

Did anyone ever think that 30 Rock would become the best show on Thursday night again? I'm gonna miss it so much…

So I finished my season 3 rewatch, and after finishing "The First Chang Dynasty" I was curious to see what people's reactions on here were, so I went to the AV Club page for it and… oh yeah there are 100,000 comments on here.

Well, Community has officially cockblocked me.

Just this afternoon I was part of a Junior Achievement thing where we had to come up with a product to market… of course I immediately suggested DancePants.


Getting the 100,000th comment.


Can we maintain this as a forum? Even when new episodes come back I think it would be worthwhile to keep this up forever as a random thought/live review space.

Can we all agree to just make this canon?

Wow, we've passed 99,000.

Hey, I'm the guy who always posts essays about HIMYM… I wish I had contributed more, but it's good to see you guys crushing this.

I did that, but I didn't want to have to delete all the writing and directing credits for each one.

I want to do one of these Community rankings, but I could really use an episode list… anyone have one I could use? Or a link to theirs?

Was anyone else getting a George Carlin vibe from old Louie?