Sid the Rabbit

While decent now, HIMYM is nowhere near where it was in season 2 (although that might just be because late-twenties people are more fun to watch than mid-thirties people). Same goes for 30 Rock IMO.

While decent now, HIMYM is nowhere near where it was in season 2 (although that might just be because late-twenties people are more fun to watch than mid-thirties people). Same goes for 30 Rock IMO.

See normally I'd say that but my examples are generally accepted as downturns in quality.

See normally I'd say that but my examples are generally accepted as downturns in quality.

So I'm noticing that when I start watching shows live they seem to get noticeably worse (IMO):

So I'm noticing that when I start watching shows live they seem to get noticeably worse (IMO):

Season 3 would be really far down on my list. Nice to see there are fans of it in any event.

Season 3 would be really far down on my list. Nice to see there are fans of it in any event.

Yeah I didn't even include the Simpsons because I've only ever seen it as reruns so I don't really know them by season (just Golden Age/Not Golden Age)

Yeah I didn't even include the Simpsons because I've only ever seen it as reruns so I don't really know them by season (just Golden Age/Not Golden Age)

"Are you those two guys who keep yelling 'books'?"

"Are you those two guys who keep yelling 'books'?"

Top 5… Favourite Seasons of Comedy (not necessarily the best)

Top 5… Favourite Seasons of Comedy (not necessarily the best)

Well that should have been a freebie.

Well that should have been a freebie.

So my friend who just lost his dad to cancer came over and really wanted to start watching Freaks and Geeks with me, starting on the pilot. I was perfectly happy to.

So my friend who just lost his dad to cancer came over and really wanted to start watching Freaks and Geeks with me, starting on the pilot. I was perfectly happy to.

No, you're wrong. Do you suffer from long term memory loss?

No, you're wrong. Do you suffer from long term memory loss?