Sid the Rabbit

Anyone want to tell me what the model for this T-shirt's been in before? I recognize him so much and this is killing me.

Anyone want to tell me what the model for this T-shirt's been in before? I recognize him so much and this is killing me.

See expanding the reach and tone of the show (like going off-campus) is one thing, but changing the universe of it is very different in my eyes.

See expanding the reach and tone of the show (like going off-campus) is one thing, but changing the universe of it is very different in my eyes.

Hello, just got back from San Francisco and Vancouver where I converted at least 6 people to Communism through season 1 marathons.

Hello, just got back from San Francisco and Vancouver where I converted at least 6 people to Communism through season 1 marathons.

Anyone wanna explain the "that's black" part to me?

Anyone wanna explain the "that's black" part to me?

Me too

Me too

Screw people who say he can't act.

I saw it too. Paul Rudd was really great, and there were a lot of quick laugh out loud moments. The character stuff was really solid too. A-

I disagree, I think that "Introduction to Statistics" and "Comparative Religion" are two of the best names.

Anyone else notice Pierce "handing Shirley the sandwich" when he was trying to get her to go into business with him?

Sorry to be a hipster, but the best one is the first.

Jimmy Fallon's hosting? That's amazing… anyone else remember the Alec Baldwin Christmas monologue from 2001 where they went 10 years in the future and Fallon was hosting the 2011 Christmas episode. I'm so happy they honoured that.

I feel really sorry for you. Above anything this series makes me feel really happy and I laugh more and more each episode. The writers aren't just stringing together jokes, they're creating an emotional backdrop to them.

Comedy + love story = OMG TYPICAL NBC ROM-COMZZZZ

I feel the same way about this as I did about "False Positive" last season. In that it seemed like vintage HIMYM and I loved all the characters and all the gimmicky time games felt really honest and deserved. Hopefully unlike "False Positive" it isn't an outlier.

The cold open was good, but I wished that they had made a "OK, if that happens you can take off the damn tie" thing instead of the billion times more obvious and predictable "That totally happened" thing they actually did.