Mystic Bounce

My Curse… What an epic fucken song! Dulli couldn't bring to sing it himself. Truly painful and passionate.

Halo 2 is one of my favourite FPSs. The expansive environments, two protagonists, range of weapons and vehicles, and the unpredictable progression of certain levels made it amazing. I dunno if it's been topped as a 10 year old game, seems like the new ones are mostly redundant. I find it the most reliable for replay

I've been reluctant to be excited for this, because Harris was attached to it. His passing has affected me way more than I would've imagined. But on the other hand, "motherfuckers wanna laugh."

"I gotta go sue an anonymous internet troll and downplay my drug addiction!"

I haven't read this guy much, but I was a bit confused by his points in talking about the last book. He talks about writing and language essentially being constricting on real thought, and how dwelling on a difficult passage in the 1000 lashes is getting caught up in "linguistic expectations". It seems to me he goes

I agree. Especially if you listen to recent shows with the Rage Against the Machine drummer. Obviously he's a great drummer in his own right for what those types of bands do, but his technique completely butchers what Jimmy originally laid down. You can tell he lacks the nuance and eclectic musical learning Jimmy has.

She hears Code Red over the PA system, not understanding the significance it would have later on, but knows she heard it for a reason.

Your boorish low-caste attitude is casting a pauldron on the festivities, I daresay!

Dikæchú is Icelandic for "flies on shit" so that makes sense.

You're forgetting about those monkeys that fling feces at each other… oh wait you said DMB fans already.

It's all fun and games until someone loses a foot and/or cuts off their own nipple.

One of the few characters that's left me completely baffled as to its point. Mall McCartney deserves a comeback, though!

Especially since Nevermind was poised to be successful. They were expecting to do as well as Sonic Youth. Maybe sell half a million copies if everything went really well. There's riding with Sonic Youth and then there's knocking Michael Jackson off the number one spot in the charts

Sisterhood of the Traveling 21 Jump Street

You lined up a perfect zinger for Reposted a7xfan… sigh

The Sims can't get into the ceremony hall… You forgot to put in a door you idiots!

There's a place for deadbeats like you and it's called Starz!

Not only can they read English, but they've been able to assemble themselves into human form for years now. Ever notice how Paul Rudd can never seem to sit completely still? And he's a bit too charming? And he refers to ant farms as modern slavery?

The argument makes sense if you combine the amounts of drugs both bands did into one.

I just wanted to let everyone know that I like Radiohead and you should keep that in mind before saying you like pop music.