Is the space pope reptilian

Could you possibly clarify if you were being sarcastic?

My personal least favourite aspect of Arya's scenes this episode, besides all of it, was her stopping in the middle of the street to take out the poison to remind the viewer that she has poison, as if our memories and the previously on weren't enough. It made her look even more ridiculous than taking the OYSTERS,

It's more convenient for me politically; I'm sure you understand.

This is still wrong on Netflix.

This is still wrong on Netflix.

That is certainly the worst part of being a slave

I play Gretchen Vanderhausen, a sexy, 20-something Night King.

Is there a site that compiles all the looks from the finales? I try to pause the show, but it's so hard to see everyone. Manilla Luzon, I believe, had mastodon tusks coming out of her breasts!

It was shiny and chrome for sure

Hey, Dany, have you ever at all thought about maybe not claiming the iron throne because that makes no sense for you?

Karsi, you were with us only a short time, but I loved you and was so sad for your obvious death when you had children on screen and said goodbye to them.

Which is even more wonderfully disgusting than it needs to be because Enos didn't get a chance to actually clean that toilet.

I agree, hopefully the second season will let it figure out how best to balance the subplots with the kids. For instance, more Brianna and make everyone else's plots actually plots and with a tiny bit less focus.

"Oh, I've been as dumb as Fry"
"Am not!"

When Richard was first introduced, I wasn't completely on the wavelength of what they were doing with his character, but by last episode, maybe the one before, I've found him to be one of the funniest roles in a show full of amazing comedy roles.

So can we expect puppets next season?

I wouldn't complain about any of this…

Check your non-furry privilege!

I love how the feeling you have towards the intro changes as the show evolves. It's so kiddy and corny when you first watch it, but by the time you watch it for the last time during "Sozin's Comet" it's so emotional to hear Katara say, "but I believe Aang can change the world."

This is exactly why I got the joke too.