Is the space pope reptilian

It was like the season 3 Buffy episode "The Zeppo!"

5 years later and I finally understand the plain meaning of your post. Oops!

This is an incredibly helpful framework for thinking through this question (and I imagine it works with other works where there are arguments over if it is -ist enough). Thank you!

No doubt

Jodi Rell in CT was actually pretty great, especially given the circumstances of her first becoming governor.

Me too. Of course, it's shank or be shanked.

McElhenney is the hottest of the guys by far (with Day as a person, not his character, clearly the second hottest). McElhenney just looks great in all incarnations!

I think brocked means Susan Rice, Obama's National Security Advisor and Ambassador to the UN.

Oh god, I think we know which option she chose in the baseball scene :-(

But, more legs, and I am here for those legs (not saying shirtlessness wouldn't be great too, just really enjoyed the legs)

I missed that description. Anything that reminds people of Cherbourg has to be great! Can't wait to see this on Sunday.

Basically Brave New World but they also created cylons.

There's no sex in the two Netflix stand-up specials. Sure, there's stand-up in the stand-up specials, but you don't want stand-up, you want sex.

Just wait until you see Harris with the reverie update!

Stupid, sexy Serifs

Were you the fetus? Did you feel pain when you were ejected from her hole?

She's the Avatar and you've gotta deal with it!

I think Margaery's death hits hard (besides the fact that she's a beloved character) because she had a plan she was putting into motion. But that plan cornered Cersei and nobody puts Cersei in a corner.

100 ships, actually

That is certainly a better way to phrase it.