Is the space pope reptilian

He also makes characters you already like into characters you love just by interacting with them, the most recent success being Scott.

Yay, Joyce!

I want Melinda May to be in the movies in some capacity so badly. It would also be pretty easy to get Bobbi, Fitz and Simmons in almost any of the movies.

Hunter: I never thought I'd die this way, but I'd always really hoped

This made me feel more than any part of the prequels ever did. This version could have been truly outstanding, particularly because it would require Padme to be a more interesting character too, like maybe more utilitarian who doesn't mind cutting corners if it achieves results, but is ultimately shown in the worst

I hate the faith militant; it's for tools

In a roundabout way, I have the Assassins Creed Black Flag soundtrack with me at all times because I love sea chanteys and have a playlist solely devoted to them.

I never really thought about how Fry and Bender have parallel arcs this episode, in a way. Though Bender's arc is closer to how Fry perceives his relationship with Leela during the majority of the Fox episodes, then his actual arc of hope, inexplicable gain, and loss in this episode.

Played for titillation, and he has been explicitly the pticher and the catcher, which breaks both gay stereotypes and asian/gay asian sexual stereotypes.

Apparently, Teddy took this too seriously on Veep.

Oh wow, thank you for bring perspective back. I totally forgot about Honey and Vivienne.

If Baltimore wasn't going through such a horrendous time right now, I would have definitely claimed that some of these queens' interpretations of John Waters work is the worst thing to happen to that city in a long time.

Like, why have Lucian even write those songs? John Waters is right there! Lucian can produce the tunes if you absolutely need someone else to work on it.

Which is odd, because I never particularly cared for him on Chelsea Lately, but he is completely killing it here. Maybe Drag Race just highlights the strengths of his that I appreciate more?

I didn't realize this was going to be his episode until it started, and I could not have been more delighted once Ru started all her puns on his work, but those high expectations were crushingly unmet when only 2-3 performers really deliver anything close to the trashy fun I wanted and expected out of a JW episode.

She thought they were still trying to deliver trash

Mine is very excited for your campaign.

Or worse, sleepovers with Pastor Tim and his wife.

If she and Benedict Cumberbatch had a child, it would be the most inexplicably attractive animorph ever.

He's a mid-size car