Is the space pope reptilian

She's so good in the "Rosemary's Baby" episode of 30 Rock for just that reason.

Your holiness!

Also intense because George Georgiou acted the hell out of his one big scene in the episode.

Yeah, this is the difference between poor and broke in a nutshell.

Mr. F!

It's the one where they make the stripper do math!

She's great from other shows. She hasn't really had enough material to stand out here yet, in my opinion, but she's a welcome presence in this episode because her character brings a different energy to the story.

The powered person he was contacting was Jubilee!

My best friend's parents had a Rocky Horror themed Halloween party every year and people came and dressed up, so we knew/had seen the movie by age 7 at the latest.

And the horse says, "doctorate denied."

And The Late Philip J. Fry has Bender burying a Fry instead of digging him up, but serves as the same darkly comic undercurrent of an emotional scene.

"It’s not just sex! It’s love! It’s two people connecting…with four other people. And aliens."

Hopefully you referred to those McNuggets as Popplers

Well, he does think he's better than you

I'm a dude, but Sansa is far and away my favourite character. I think she just has the most interesting story arc that has the most varied possible places to go, so you really feel like you're reading about the life of a young woman, rather than a anthropomorphized plot point.

NOOOOOO. Cannot unsee.


Yeah, I like how he and Hunter bring a completely different vibe and energy than all the other characters, which helps balance out the moody gravity of everyone else.

I think the hand holding represented a chance for them to be okay, but Weaver is slowly going to bring Simmons to GalacticaSHIELD's side, what with their anti powers/anti aliens kick.