Is the space pope reptilian

Live action Hercules in 2018!

Everything about this clip is perfect and will give me solace as I head into my boring office with a distinct lack of glamorous drag queens imitating farm animals.

Sometimes the low hanging fruit is the ripest!

Comrade Mail Robot loves not capitalist USA. Have you not read the inscription on its label?

Do you have many relatable anecdotes about your life prepared that seemingly might zero in on a stranger's deepest insecurities about their life and choices?

BUT Portia reads the papers!

A great thing about Donna Maria Nuñez that I didn't notice until I rewatched episode 11 is how perfectly her Spanish aligns with the dialogue of a scene, even in Kimmy's daydream turned nightmare, which shows that even the other girls, or at least Kimmy, subconsciously know she can understand English.

Does this song know anything about 70s TV stars?

Especially when they controlled the terms of the confrontation. Was there really so tight a deadline for when they got to randomsville mcbirthplace that they couldn't have changed. It doesn't make any tactical sense for Drea to be forced to stay in pajamas and a bathrobe (especially since they found her in her

It's not science when it's done by Angels!

Very Imhotep in the Mummy

I was so ready for the Doris-Dom fight because while they are wonderful together, Dom totally assumes Doris will support him 150% in every endeavor and does not acknowledge that sacrifice much, and Doris totally wants to be 100% with Dom in whatever way she can minus romantically because she's only really had him to

Lucy was a hilarious mess, but I enjoyed it because I had already heard from everyone else (who wasn't a critic, because they seemed to really like it) that it was a mess and went in with that expectation.

Dance fighting is about butts now!

The president of FX loves the Americans, but during the first season the terrible ratings really threatened its existence. At that time, Amazon really needed some prestige to its streaming options, so I think they offered way more money than Netflix ever would have and that allowed the show to continue.

Bachelor chow makes an appearance 1016 years early.


This right here. I am so intrigued by his role this season in regards to his new officemate.

He doesn't look like he's halfway through an Animorphs transition, so no.