Is the space pope reptilian

Are you Stan Marsh??


I met my first boyfriend and only long term relationship while he was still dating someone else (how we actually met and what led to us dating is an awesome and hilarious story that will probably come out on another oversharing corner).

150,000 years later and we're still unsure of what that plan was

I was just agreeing!

I wished we called them the Beemen.

You made the right choice. He didn't spoil anything per se, but I am now regretting reading it because it focused in on a character dynamic I wanted to see unfold for myself.

Are you sure that wasn't Parks and Recreation?

I thought Ron looked damn good in Craig's yoga clothes

I'll do my first Looking share on this post. I have been on PrEP for a little less than a year now. I am incredibly lucky that having gotten insurance for the first time in my life at 25 (I'm 27), my insurance covers Truvada, so I only pay about $60 for 90 pills, rather than the more outrageous $1000+ a month the

You mean the NSA's list of potential hires?

Every once in a while I hear a little Cave Johnson in Tenzin's voice and dream of the most amazing crossover

Since they didn't HIMYM us, I can safely say that I really enjoy Korra and Mako's relationship progression now. To be able to move past their incredibly teenaged and one dimensional relationship with each other and become true lifelong friends is wonderful.

I somewhat recently restarted ATLA to introduce my boyfriend to the show and I was surprised to see how consistently awesome the show was from the Blind Bandit onward.

He also might just be respecting Zhu Li's cultural customs since she isn't water tribe.

He had a Varrick Industries ring!

This is my exact ranking

I was hoping it would be the SSN-777, the nuclear powered attack submarine, rather than the decommissioned battleship.

I believe Oliver is making a meta critique when he's talking about Kuvira being talked down. It's not that she's a woman and more reasonable, just that it makes sense that a feminist critique of violence would take place in a season where all the major characters are women