Is the space pope reptilian

I'd been wondering where you've been for these reviews! I'm glad you came to chat for this one.

Korra isn't a show that's all about feminism, which is one of the reasons it is groundbreakingly feminist. What I mean to say is that this season got to be all "women are doing it for themselves" not because Bryke had gone out of their way to make a particular socio-political point about women being equal (though I'm

I would really love this. The two shows are insanely complimentary in ways I have only even begun to notice.

And unlike random parachutes showing that nothing bad happened to them, the protagonists go out of their way to keep these nameless redshirts safe when Mako decides he wants to be the ultimate pyro.

For what it's worth, I've enjoyed your dissenting opinions. The AVClub commenters for Korra have been wonderful. Sharing this with you guys, especially after we had TV Club Classic ATLA, has been an embarrassingly big highlight of the last 4 years for me.

I try not to rank shows I like, but ATLA and LoK are right up there with Buffy as shows that have been so wonderful as to be transformative in my life. Other shows I adore and completely geek out over like BSG and GoT are awesome, but they don't hold a candle to me personally in the way that the Avatar series have.

Hey, at least because of Studio Pierrot we were able to get a Book 2. I know it's not our favourite, or even close, but I just love this world so much and Book 2 enabled the great strides forward in Book 3 and 4.

I'm totally reading the end romantically, but I love the way they did it too (no kiss, even though I would totally have squeed over some Korrasami kissing) because it really emphasized the supportive love that Korra and Asami share that could manifest itself friendly, sisterly or even romantically (and it is romantic,

Someone on Reddit called the wedding band "The Formers" because it had Tarrlok's former assistant, the former wolfbats, the former police lieutenants, and fucking Hasook, the former fire ferret.

I didn't understand what Bolin was doing at first, but then it pans out to include Lin and Suyin and I immediately lost my shit. Watching that skyscraper fall over on the Colossus was incredible, and for some reason I wasn't expecting it at all even though it made so much tactical sense (especially since the citizens

A space faring earth bending Avatar is my one wish for Christmas. Bryke should have a well deserved vacation in the spirit world first, but as soon as they are ready to return to this universe, I will be ready with my eyes and heart open to support them.

That burp bending was next level. I can only hope to find someone who likes me enough to tolerate my burps, much less join in.

Same here. Jaw to the floor astonishment is the only way I can describe how I felt at that moment.

Sokka's stand in finally got with the moon!

I am really sad that during the whole season Korra and Bolin never really interacted much, but Bolin and Korra have had such a solid relationship for so long that it makes sense in some ways for that to take a backseat so other relationships could come forward in this last season.

The way I see it, is that these two episodes weren't the finale for the franchise or this series, but that this season in a lot of ways is the epilogue to both ATLA and LoK. It let us really get into the head of someone who has suffered a great deal, watch them deal with that recovery, and then actively use that

I think that crowd was when I suddenly developed agoraphobia, but it was worth it.

I remember watching the series premiere of the Colbert Report during my freshman year of college. All my suitemates gathered around our crappy 110lbs 4:3 standard definition TV, watched the first "The Word," learned about truthiness, and more.

But what if Ann was an angel this whole time? We already know Ron married a cylon.

This comment is so fantastic to run across again now that LoK Book 3 has aired.