Is the space pope reptilian

That does not fempute. Do you even know what it's like to be a fembot femputer in a manbot manputer's world?

Trash does not work that way. Goodnight!

Can that help me with my sexual inhibitions?

It's absurd how much better AoS is now. I quit watching in the first season after episode 5, but just caught up when it went to Netflix. Post Winter Soldier it became a real show, and this season it has achieved consistency in its quality.

I miss the red leather (pleather?) pants of moral ambiguity

The weird thing about the manipulation is that Bolin would no doubt have joined just 'cause. He didn't need the incentive of Opal's sweet, sweet loving.

All You Need Is Rebranding

I was terrified because I misread your comment initially as Ghost Ship

Maybe I misread Oliver, but I think he was saying woman as in person over Avatar.

Asami would be a great person to center a post series comic around. She is more involved in the day to day creation of building a better world than almost anyone, and she would have so many reasons to visit new places, like the Fire Nation.

I had huge issues with the pacing when I watched the episode for the first time. But I've rewatched it since then and have mostly changed my mind. I still think some things happen way too awkwardly for the time allowed, but for the most part it flows and is simply fast paced, not poorly paced.

Jinora is an equal opportunity damsel in distress. She'll let anybody save her.

Nuktuk 2: Aurora Bugaloo?

I thought it felt rushed too. I enjoyed it, but I didn't expect to come here and see an A grade with an A- community grade. But Oliver is right, this episode did exactly what it needed to do, which was end in a way that makes me absolutely need to see the next episode ASAP.

I completely agree, and what's interesting is that there are only two other characters (besides Mako, Bolin and Asami presumably) who see Korra as limitless too - Su and Opal - both of whom saw Korra how Zaheer saw her, the woman who would not give in for anything.

Don't worry, you can fanwank this away. She is a young scientist because she's bright but too big for her britches to do the slog necessary to become the top of her field in the current fashion, so she jumped at the first chance to do some awesome, ethically suspect research!

Vaatu is a kite stuck in a tree! How have we (or maybe just me) never realized this before?

Which somehow a million seasons and several cancellations later continues to be a gag in the Prisoner of Benda episode when Bender in Amy's body does the robot to prove he's a robot to the emperor of Robo-Hungary.

The writers had such a clear idea of who Colleen was and what would be funny but also make sense from her.

Sadly this exchange is only from Jonathan's POV: