Is the space pope reptilian

They're not just bending elements, they're bending my mind!

You misspelled drunk, but that's okay, we all knew what you meant.

I hate that I've moved to CT where you have to be a democrat or a republican to vote in a primary after having been born and raised in NC where independents can vote in either/or.

You can finally have another sexual walkabout!

Umm…"Hello. Zuke Here" would like to have a word with you. His buddy, "That's rough, buddy," is also not pleased.

I played the game. I can't even call the story utter bullshit because there was no story to speak of. Some of the mechanics of using the elements were inventive, but all this game really did was give me an even more intense need to play a fully realized Avatar game. There are so many more ways bending could be

I liked that Jinora was so bullheaded about her ability too. She's been the saving grace to the world/Korra twice and she is a teenager, so of course she thinks that she alone can locate Korra.

Speaking of visuals, I also loved the visual of Korra expelling the poison. During the successful attempt, the camera starts at her hand goes down her arm and then zooms out to encompass her whole movement. It's like the camera was performing the bending movement itself.

Well, this article certainly just got me to go and buy this whole run!

Hold me, hold me like you did in Book 3, when there was only our love

Gomez and Morticia!!!!

She can tell her own two dunderhead daughters not to forget something!

Like Bhutan!

Asami is actually on stage behind the world leaders. Sadly she just doesn't have any lines and maybe 1.5 seconds of partial view screen time.

It's possible that the beleaguered citizens of the Earth Kingdom even when/if they see some of the negatives sides of a Kuvira military dictatorship would support that over Wu+unknown councilors.

Re: Korra bending the poison out of her

The only thing I disliked about this episode was the coronation itself.

I've always been weirdly attracted to him as well.

The finale makes me cry like the big dumb homo that I am too

Ozai truly comes across as the abusive bully he is when he is fighting and trying to kill Aang, the child. I think his depiction in the Sozin's Comet episodes really lines up well with his depiction (through Zuko) in the Agni Kai flashback where he scars Zuko.