Is the space pope reptilian

Hey, the jacket/no shirt combo is classy

Leaf me alone

You don't actually have to log-in to view the latest episode. This confused me for a while because I have Comcast too

TV Classic did reviews of ATLA before Korra premiered and magically ended right in time for Korra to premiere (Korra wasn't even on the radar when they started)

And vegetarian, so he doesn't have to air scooter in his grave.

More like "Better Werk," amirite?

Toph Beifong, Toph Beifong, 5 foot nothing, weighs a fucking ton(g)

He has the diction and writing style of a US civil war era middle to upper class soldier, but the art skills of…Sokka

I'm not sure I can emotionally handle a team avatar reunion that's missing Sokka because he's dead.

Not only was it a great episode, I thought Katara's advice was actually pretty profoundly true. You may not know what your recovery will look like once it's over and how it might make you stronger, but won't it be so interesting to find out?

Korra doesn't have PTSD, she has FOMO

Kai, you're such a typical airbender, cutting and running. Did you learn that from Tenzin?

"But all joking aside…"

I'm not sure I can answer that particular question since Korra and Zuko are having different types of crises and both episodes are incredibly deft at handling them.

I agree with this completely. She even told Aiden during her ridiculous overreaction that she would still be his friend if he were gay (doesn't answer the bi-erasure question still) which told me she is really only thinking of the practical side of this and how it affects his run for office and her ambitions.

So all this time, Frank's been subletting from Glory?

Also, there were actually several (presumably mediocre since it was such a lame gig) reporters on Galactica and whatever Colonial One was before it became Colonial One because they were covering Galactica's decommisioning/turning into a museum ceremony.

Oh my god, is beardy associate Ben???

Fur real