Is the space pope reptilian

I was disappointed when she didn't do the thing

Yeah, those lines made me think that in this book or the next, Su might challenge the Earth Queen's status.

I think Toph disapproves of how strictly Su protects her children and family. They get lots of room for experimentation, but no actual freedom, it seems.

I unabashedly love Kung Pow: Enter the Fist.

This is now my head canon for Snowpiercer. You've done me a great service, The Allusionist!

I like your read much more

Wait, what's funny about the second one? Aren't the mechanical issues that plagued the shark-bot widely credited with forcing the creative decisions that have made Jaws so iconic a film?

Snowpiercer is so obvious, but I think what made it enjoyable despite that (for me anyway) is that it basically announces at the beginning, "the premise of this movie makes its themes overwhelmingly obvious, if you can't get over that, you can't enjoy it," and I boarded that train with no regrets afterwards.

I saw The Perks of Being a Wallflower for the first time this year too (thanks, Amazon Prime!) and I couldn't believe what an affecting and coherent YA-ish, teen movie it was, especially since the trailers made it seem like it would be trope city (which, to be fair, it kinda was, though they did a great job with them).

I love The Host. Snowpiercer and it share some similarities in terms of cinematic cadence, but The Host was so slapsticky that it's an entirely different beast all together.

Snowpiercer is a movie that completely falls about if you think about it whatsoever, but that somehow doesn't ruin what a fun, interesting ride it was. My only real criticism, and it's a small one, was

"Catherine" is probably my favourite episode of anything last season (Note: I'm not very far into Breaking Bad), which is wonderful because "Catherine" is also my favourite episode of anything during the first season of Veep.

Yes, of all the truly bad elements of this film, this is the one I absolutely cannot get past whatsoever.

Nothing will ever top the madness that commercial slowly wrought upon me. I still have nightmares that start out with the da da da da.

Yes, I've looking for the coming distractions post on the trailer for days. Why can't I talk about Korra with the AVClub?

Meryl Streep is incredible and could play almost any role, but I have a hard time envisioning her being right for this, especially given her singing in Mama Mia. But I'm hoping for the best.

I hear that Andy Serkis is playing all of the dinosaurs.

Bring back Schlubby Chris Pratt so both versions can…umm…maybe I shouldn't be saying this in public.

And the finale cemented it. Is it possible to watch the finale and not love O'Neill?

By the end of this season, O'Neill became my favourite guard, just ahead of Fischer. I think it was this episode that pushed him ahead for me.