Is the space pope reptilian

What if you are a beloved cat?

And not even Bravo several years (a decade?) ago with Top Chef and Project Runway in their heyday either.

Great review, Caroline. I agree that the proper grade for this episode is probably !?! rather than a letter, and I echo many of your critiques, but I do somewhat disagree with your thoughts about the cold open, "The cold open, for example, intercuts between everyone panicking after Kira’s kidnapping and Sarah getting

So is Maslany playing all the Mark clones next season?

Also like Buffy, a lot of these episodes are so much more entertaining on rewatch when you aren't caught up in the plot of it all because there are so many wonderful genre inversions and background humor to delight in.

Everyone should have an IMAX screening room for drinking and reminiscing.

Harrington doing that awful Pompeii movie really upped his fighting skills.

Too soon

Hear visceral howls as she was wailing on him were unsettlingly effective in keeping me in the moment.

I'm very interested in Margaery's story as well. If the Lannisters fall from power and grace, which is all but assured, then the Tyrells are up the creek without a paddle, no? At least as far as wielding direct power over the throne; I'm sure they'll still be rich and powerful in other ways.

Good news everyone!

Leslie Knope's headlines are also consistently golden. We haven't gotten as many of those, recently, though.

The rooster version of this kills me every single time. Just thinking about it now is making it hard to contain laughter at work.

Flameo, hotman!

You can just let me drown now…

That's what I'm afraid of.

I couldn't believe that not a single one of them had a bow and arrows when they were supposed to be defending a long tunnel from an invader who had to still get through another gate

Everything about Ygritte's death scene (besides Ollie thinking he helped and giving the thumbs up, that was adorably frustrating and darkly funny) was terrible.

I think because Slynt embarrassed himself and Thorne is injured, Jon may get it on the show because he impressed everyone while also the Watch not having any other viable candidates available.

The hot one with a beard dies :-(