Is the space pope reptilian

Not to be the shadiest of bitches, but I loved Laganja's explanation of how she became Alyssa's drag daughter. She, with a touch of help from the editors, essentially said that Alyssa said no at first because she didn't think Laganja would be good, but gave in when she realized Laganja's pestering would never end.

Plus, all the recipes!

I really agree with this reading, but I wonder what you make of what seems to be the show hinting that Cersei had an abortion via moon tea.

The Real Housewives of Westeros would truly be amazing. Cersei, the Queen of Thorns, Catelyn (R.I.P.), her sister Lisa, Margaery, Ellaria, and Dany would have such crazy chemistry.

She brings such a wonderful air of gravitas and levity, simultaneously. She's really one of the few people in this world who has, and has had the luxury to find, the only outlook that keeps one sane and content in the midst of the such capricious fortunes.

And at the end, they go destroy Robb Stark's wedding party. Robb is essentially a Chan or Ruon-Jian.


That's exactly what makes his story in 5 better, in my opinion. In the other books, he is given too many chapters for the story being told. Tyrion suffers in book 5 from the same problem as Bran does in every book but 1 and 5, too many chapters relative to the amount of story being told.

Thanks, Scrawler! I've missed commenting, though I do lurk occasionally.

This episode did a great job dealing with the hilarious undercurrents of this reality when you're removed from it (i.e. viewing it as a show) while maintaining the menace of the world.

And that kids, is how cappie met Dbag, but really just wanted to bang Scrawler the whole time.

I just watched the entire run on Netflix in 3 weeks too. My god did I fall in love with this show quickly and can't imagine how everyone felt after 5 years. What an amazing find, and I'm glad we both found it even if it was after the fact.

Giant sausage LEGO guy is awesome!

I definitely thought they were going to undercut that way too sappy, sentimental moment with something. I can't believe they played that completely straight. It was so goofy.

Both of these are amazing finds.

How is this a song from 1965? Talk about ahead of your time.

I was thinking they would bring in Tilda, Larry Bird's aunt.

I'm so glad this exists. Work will be so much better today!

The Mother State, Yip Yip!

Or Everybody Poops in IMAX 3D