Is the space pope reptilian

I totally see what you mean, but as long as she doesn't promise nonexistent scholarships to children in need, I am still on board with this show.

Occasionally entire scenes of Homeland are good these days!

The HBO CEO is looking forward to you doing that as well!

This is exactly the kind of plotline the show should have gone for. I guess I'll hold out hope that what has transpired won't be too atrociously cringe-worthily handled as the fallout continues, but I don't think Downton has it in it to pull that off.

I am so excited for this. Anything Coen brothers is must see at this point, but the specific folk milieu for this one is everything I want and more.

Dick cheese, a.k.a. the crud that unwashed dicks accumulate/fester

Queen Gorgo and Artemisia are such awesome figures in history and are the only draw to this movie for me. I'm glad they seem to be the focal point still.

Good, but not nearly as good as bacon wrapped dates.

That's partially why I wrote it. The actual event could have been effective with better logical and emotional buildup.

The horns are from the anachronistic fire nation condoms he uses. Everyone knows they got rid of those "uniforms" before even the Gaang arrived.

The Bull is Mako's penis

Northern Water Tribe Soldier/His Mother-in-Law - -10/10

There's a baby dark Avatar being born right now! Thankfully it isn't Rohan since he's already been born, but wouldn't that have been a hilariously dark end?

Me too. I thought he was frozen and then broken Terminator style, minus the ability to eventually melt and reform.


First Lady Mae is just saving the jerk who married her!

Really? Can you give us a link to that news? I can't find any references to it online.

Being on team Mellie means two things:

That observation is 5 by 5, B.

Olivia's mom runs the secret agency that not even B613 can control!