Is the space pope reptilian

Dany will still be looking for her dragons, only this time dragons is code for orgasms.

The Iranian version bests the American version. I can't even watch the American version anymore.

And also perhaps the president's rubies?

True, but I still stand by the mortal danger part of continuous possession. Wan was able to combine the cosmic energy available during the Harmonic Convergence to bond himself with Raava for all time; the next chance to do such a thing is still a few weeks into the future of Korra's time, so I highly doubt Unalaq is

I am skeptical about straight up spirit possession in regards to Unalaq because continuous spirit possession would theoretically disfigure and kill him if the information given to us in Beginnings Part 1&2 is to be believed.

Yes. Since this is almost entirely the Wan story and only has maybe two to three minutes of present day activities, it can just be a wonderful addition to ATLA lore. If you ever do start watching Korra, it will also retroactively make some of the plot set-up more intriguing.

Hopefully this senator accidentally had secret files concerning "Remington" behind him while he snapped photos of his junk and the secrets they contain are somehow legible.

It's great that Harrison finally added to my enjoyment of an episode instead of merely being bland, but incredibly attractive, window dressing.

I really hope it's the former, or perhaps Vaatu has tricked him into thinking that the Avatar needs Vaatu's power as well in order to keep balance.

That's a good point. I guess I have a hard time imagining how people would take someone coming after Wan demonstrating the same talents and saying they are Wan reincarnate, but it's an easy story to accept when the proof is so obvious.

I get that. I was more just pointing out that it's interesting that we get a peek at the least shown women in the whole series in this particular episode, which is also an episode where we basically see no female humans whatsoever.

I love the carrot spirit, but the little spirit atop his head that gives out tea is even more my speed.

Also strange that the very few women we saw were on the air lion turtle, and we've never seen the female air nomads outside of Avatar Yangchen, right?

Treachery is always more fun, just ask Uncle Iroh!

That is a clash, which is why the story is at this point in the first place. The age of the Avatar is the world out of balance, and I wouldn't be surprised if Korra rights that by ending this age.

Plus, Raava's role as council kind of fades away once you can just talk to your past lives. I think those lives are Raava (or part Raava), she just doesn't speak as an individual anymore

Very true, but I do think Korra's actions might have had a more understandable emotional origin if we could, you know, see her emote and stuff.

It also makes you think, is the second Avatar the first "real" Avatar, or does it take several generations before they have an acknowledged and respected place in the world.

She was one of the Fire Sages, or at least it sounded exactly like the kind Fire Nation guard she played back in ATLA.

I think they can! This is the perfect kind of obstacle for her, because she has to understand and respect the Avatar power or perish,and the conflict is greater than all of her issues and humanity's issues, so she'll have to rise above them as well. It will force her character growth in an organic way, while also