Is the space pope reptilian

I believe Wan's statue that Jinora sees is actually surrounded by Raava, not the spirit valium that Unalaq uses. However, I'm sure there's a reason her tendrils and his spirit valium look similar.

It's hard for a lot of fans to deal with her stubbornness and then wait for a week between episodes. It's so much easier when you can just plow through when everything has been aired.

Doublemeat Palace, right?

Can we kickstarter this?

It can't be a lemon party without 'ol Dick

I don't know if the show meant it to be taken this way, but because of the double meaning of deviation, I took Master's line of reasoning to subtly indicate that for all his wild prudishness of the time defying antics, he also is a product of his time period.

My father was committed involuntarily several times in his life due to his bipolar disorder, and despite being a generally socially saavy, well educated person, he was completely unable to be cunning enough to act less desperate to get out. The types of stories he would tell about why he didn't deserve to be there

This show needs to borrow some dicks or at least some man ass from Starz. I found this episode excellent, but when the gay sex scene was the most chaste thing ever shown on TV (slight exaggeration, but even the kissing was virginal), I was pissed. It just doesn't make sense in an episode where many women are

I completely agree with this. I respect them for trying whatever they are trying with the Brody plotline as an extension of all the other consequence story telling, but I don't enjoy it; or at least not yet. I was groaning every time a new scene started and it was still focused on him and cried out in joy when it

That scene with Jeaninne prior to the interview was easily some of the subtlest, most affecting acting Kerry Washington has done on this show. Not necessarily an Emmy winning moment, but I really appreciated the care she took to convey the character there.

And speaking of your username, @Lana Kane, I want this show to crossover with Archer something fierce.

I guess Donna does need one character flaw, but I really wish hating Mellie wasn't it!

With Mako out of the picture, Korra will have to rely on her own imagination treating her romantically.

I didn't realize I was sleep posting on this account under another username.

She probably only knows of the only legit form of edible arrangement basket, the one wear all the fruit is covered in chocolate.

The three Rs - reading, writing and buRning the witches learning arithmetic.

That got me too. I could easily seem him against certain types of environmental legislation, but this seemed strange and took me out of the scene.

You just have to outrun the legless turtle on an obstacle course.

@avclub-9cd818ea56273170b63f339aa6f34bca:disqus Classic Ann!