Is the space pope reptilian

Thank you. I would have felt so stupid sound clouding this.

Older Leela keeps it tight just like Diana Jessup on 30 Rock

I no dust Buster anymore!

It's so charitable that you phrased it in such a way as to imply that there's a point to any of the werewolf characters that aren't Alcide.

or one sexy vampire and Bill

Ugh, Bow Down would have been great for them.

This is a great piece and I really hope these other critics have a chance to read it and respond specifically to it and (for the first time!) the series itself.

@avclub-6e8fb18f4f5788ce09ff72f8fdd81b4f:disqus I thought the flashback about poor girls shoes was Alex's story?

For whatever reason, there was never a doubt in my mind that Pennsatucky survived, but I've seen people floored that she's coming back for season 2. I get that the beating she took was incredibly serious, but what exactly about it seemed fatal, if you don't mind my asking?

Cathartic beatdown that leads to new teeth is the best win-win in prison history.

@avclub-9cd818ea56273170b63f339aa6f34bca:disqus Enjoyably bland is exactly how I think of it. I finally watched House of Cards after I finished Orange is the New Black because my friends kept pestering me to do so and only finished it because of inertia/Netflix automatically playing the next episode while I was

Futurama's constant references to manwiches have made an otherwise seemingly inedible food into something I might eat.

But "Don't Stop Me Now!"

I've never heard that before. It would have been the end of me if they had gone that way.

She opened for Of Montreal at Toad's Place in April 2009. My friend dragged me along to see Of Montreal (who are terrible live, btw) and her opening was easily the best live show I've ever seen. Made so much better by being completely unexpected. I'm so glad she's blown up since then.

Bill consistently finds new ways to be the worst.

That was a lovely visual extra in an episode that made no effort to make sense.

Your browser somehow autocorrected Alcide or Sam to Bill; you should fix that.

Plus, Nora got a direct shot of Hep V, whereas these other vamps are contracting it from other vamps (or the humans they've bitten/slept with/etc) who got it from tainted True Blood.

That was the weirdest scene. They set it up as if Violet was going to try to push the issue with Jessica in a classic catfight cliche, but Jessica is never actually given screen time to react to Violet's possessiveness of Jason, or to show her continued interest in James.