Is the space pope reptilian

I came!

The Stallion Who Mounts Me….the world!

Fae children only age up until their young, supple breasts can be shown on TV, then aging stops forever if the HBO CEO of Tits has anything to say about it.

The episode was so wtf inducing, I didn't remember that until way after it ended.

@avclub-24f6f7a488efc0455e1cb95aea962bed:disqus and you have just unwittingly discovered why Nero wasn't chosen to describe our black president. Too easy for racists to accidentally let fly their other favourite n-word.

And this should be the final word on the matter.

That's interesting. I never would have thought the other character's thought Piper was completely genuine, but if anyone would, it would be Ms. Claudette and Suzanne, so that really does add up and explain their strange, seemingly overreaction to the radio story.

1) Your friend's dad is awesome. That's such a great lesson on something that he easily could have overlooked given the situation.

I don't want the show to rely on Meth ex machina for her character development (which I don't think it has yet), but it really, really does explain so much about her character and aspects of her mental stability.

Also interesting is that since watching this episode a lot of the fans have stopped calling her "Crazy Eyes." Creating a fictional character that elicits that much empathy and sympathy from fans must be an incredible feeling for the writers and the actress.

Suzanne quickly becomes one of the most intriguing and tragic characters through very economical appearances. The fact that this scenes hits as well as it does, shows that the writing and showrunning here is pretty exceptional.

Intriguing. I've never much thought about this, but where I went to school the lottery system for rooms meant that girl suites and guy suites could end up sharing the same floor of the entry way, and often did, and thus shared bathrooms.

@avclub-b20754d0f1e8ae843e00a8b39a667112:disqus Now I understand. Very well, carry on!

A lively fisting!

Are coed bathrooms not the norm in most colleges?

You can't have a lemon party without him! But only old him, not a young whippersnapper.

Umm, have you met gay men?

At least there's a happy ending

I'll take that with cheese

Surely you mean where they have the best episodes in a series chock full of great episodes!