Is the space pope reptilian

This honestly would be preferable. Hilarious, yet still dramatically more satisfying than Cusack as Nixon.

That's not what I meant to give you from Big Bertha.

Mickey Avalon would like to have a word with you

I'm an atheist, but my bf is a theist who goes to divinity school, and every time he says good news, I reply with this.

This is my favourite "must conceal secret identity, while also changing into costume to get on saving people" ploy of all time.

When Leela tries to do the same just before is similarly inspiring.

I agree with this and I think this aspect of Fry has become something central to other shows that have come after it, such as Adventure Time where Finn is a specific, well defined character. While I think any of us who watch the show see Finn as more capable because he assumes more agency, I think the fact that he's

@eric827:disqus They received the NBA's highest academic honor!

At least we get that awesome business school jab when Gunter's hat is damaged.

It's such a good episode and it gets major props for depicting Fry and Leela's first non-dream/what if sexcapade while they are in Zoidberg and the Professor's bodies.

Oh, so we can read about the episodes you like, but not the episodes I like? Next!

I'm not hearing a no

This bit is what makes this so-so episode a must watch for me on rewatches. I am in stitches every time I see or even think about it.

They make you work all day, but they don't pay you or let you go.

If I were trying to introduce anyone to Futurama, I think the strongest, most hilarious episode is easily "The Farnsworth Parabox."

I think it's the most touching episode of all. "Jurassic Bark" is great and a clear tearjerker, but the story telling in "The Sting" is much stronger and is much more of a character piece.

For a good mix of emotionally satisfying and hilarious, "Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles" has got to be high on the list.

@avclub-6f097e848d3e349ddf8763d4aaa943df:disqus Mars Attack is flawless and I won't hear a word against it! I really like Big Fish, though I can at least see why other people might get rubbed the wrong way by it.

I totally agree with the Colonel. Sweeney Todd was entertaining enough as a movie, but it completely took out and aenesthetized everything that makes the musical so great, so was not enjoyable for me. If your Johanna is not a little crazy, and the Anthony and Johanna love comes across as only cute, then you are doing

Maeby it isn't as bad as you think.