Is the space pope reptilian

I don't want to exaggerate, but I feel like Jessica Barden was perfection personified in Hanna.

Parks and Rec! The first season episodes were painful (Except the last one; I liked "Rock Show").

Even the guards and Larry!

Do they just roll up on people?

That whole segment really did encapsulate everything that's great about the show. Truth in humor, absurdity, and the tragic overwhelming reality seeping in as well.

Watching this is like looking into the face of God. The perfection will drive you mad.

On top of what everyone else said, you need Caputo in the show to flesh out the bureaucratic side of prison. Sometimes things slip by because of this nature since no one is to blame, sometimes things get authoritarian, and sometimes the authorities can be pitted against each other because of their own personal

If only her creep boyfriend had said, "I'm not a very smart man, Janae."

Yeah, I think Taryn Manning is fantastic in this role. She completely inhabits this character, even if we as viewers don't have a great nuanced sense of her yet, which I think is a writing/direction issue.

Okay, I thought I might have been crazy for thinking this, but I'm glad to see someone else did too. My only issue is that Chapman was truly pissed; do we believe she has enough self-restraint in anger to settle the score by getting Pennsatucky new teeth, and a little anger management hitting, this purposefully?

and she's just in for taking a wrong turn to church!

I like the John Krasinski suggestion, but I also think Mindy Kaling could do it. I'd love to see Key or Peele take a whack at it.

It's Diddy; I can feel it.

and then he was like "I'm a shapeshifter and a bartender."

Just throw in the word "consensually" and you're golden.

Well obviously races featuring 3 or 4 non-white nominees will split the "not incredibly old and set in our bland ways" vote and lose.

I think this is good; she's certainly capable and an enjoyable presence. Plus I like that, along with the new President of the Academy, and possibly (fingers crossed) the most nominations for actors of color ever, this Oscars may be the least white, male Hollywood event of all time. OF ALL TIME.

I saw him in person on my birthday! He did his show "My Filthy World," which was incredible.

Don't get my hopes up! Just think of all the outfit changes, all the puns that would go over straight people's heads, all the charisma, uniqueness, nerve and talent!