Is the space pope reptilian

You jest, but this would be incredible.

Actually, I think we can totally expect her to do a parody of that song, but it'll be the so safe it's hilarious "We've seen you dance."


I am perplexed as well! Season 8 went off the deep end (with one or two storylines that were great). Season 9 is much more even so far, though I only read it in volumes so I am 8 or 9 issues behind.

Not enough kaiju or jaegers.

If you really cared about this closeted gay diamond, you would have referenced Rihanna and said, "shine bright, like a closeted gay diamond."

That should really be the next gen sequel. I love the Katamari games!


Because it's repetitive? Even if it isn't for the audience, I can totally see an actor becoming bored staying in the same role for such a long period of time.

Yes, Odell Lake was the only other thing one could play besides Oregon Trail (maybe Number/Word Crunchers if you were super young).

That severed hand was over 15 minute minutes old! Blood coagulates and dries up in like a minute tops, right?

And this is why I try not to ever think through the logic of this show's universe…

Sarah Newlin is so much better this season than before. They really found the perfect role for that character in the show and are allowing Anna Camp to own shit.

Yes! I didn't know whether I had somehow grown attached to her character just by virtue of the fact that she has been there a while, or if they actually had given her some real material and that reason she recieves a paycheck finally had a chance to shine.

Season 2 is so much more satisfying (less unsatisfying?) when you can watch the next episode whenever instead of having to wait a whole week. Marathoning saves this season.

"Tolstoy…with a flair for the dramatic."

In the circles I run in, you start every sentence with (riot) grrrl.

Retta is a beautiful woman and she can get it.

I loved (to hate) P-Hound. Such a great addition for George Michael's story.

What if his punch sent his father to the hospital and he married Rebel? He would be approximately Oedipus