Is the space pope reptilian

Don't be so redundant, @avclub-e57dbebc740250d2c4a370cf6ccb35f0:disqus , long-winded and Dickens are synonyms.

He's definitely got a chronic, but not fatal case of braindead in Shutter Island.

Touche! But I think it's less that's she freeing the slaves and more the way the show is portraying it, especially in that last scene.

And he never goes down on Fat Walda

I think Tywin will have her killed instead of bedding her. Then it is appropriately dramatic, motivates Tyrion appropriately and leads to the same conclusion as the book despite Shae being a completely different character in the show.

They aren't in Dorne!

@avclub-18562c441a8dae77ee19b563dcb7fbed:disqus I took that as something to throw off the newbies

Who spoiled you on the seventh book?????

That was a great "Hodor", but my personal favourite was "Hodor?" to Osha when she accidentally directed her ramblings to him as a question.

No, but it basically felt like we watched the gotcha dancers twerk in front of Selina this whole episode.

Absolutely. In the interview when he starts being a vindictive ass and sabotaging her he truly became the biggest ass on the show, which is an impressive accomplishment.

Hey, I am following all those shows and I also only got the True Blood notification…

You've just discovered what ABC Family's new marketing strategy should be!

@avclub-b62a8937e3279853ee5b66cf76558278:disqus It happens!


So true. Roose just loves his little jokes.

This is the experts thread.

But this just rationalizing revenge as a good so one can feel better about selfishly pursuing it.

This perfectly captures the butthurt reaction. I am sharing this everywhere.