Is the space pope reptilian

Isn't it ironic?

He freezes out his father?!

He also did the nasty in the past-y and became his own grandfather.

Curiously, the meat pie shop under it is doing very well too!

I completely agree. Dance with Dragons had more of the POV characters we initially cared about, but thematically A Feast for Crows was a much tighter novel. Plus, I love Cersei!

I love this reading and I think it fits perfectly. Being honorable is hard and it's not always going to bring about good things immediately, or to you at all (though, I don't mean this to argue that neither Ned nor Robb made mistakes), but doing the honorable thing may always make the world better, even if it's

The show has definitely gone out of its way to focus on the game of thrones because that probably makes the scripts tighter, but I don't understand how anyone can view this story as primarily one between Starks and Lannisters, even if they've only watched the show.

Not in the least! I was so pleased when I realized Shipka voiced Jinora on the Legend of Korra series. I'd love for her to go on awesome animated or live action adventures with Maisie.

Ugh, I so need to get into Fringe. Why am I so late to the game/why has the game been called early?

That's what's so curious. I agree, but Sansa, Bran (and Rickon), Arya and Jon continue to be major characters, though none of them are exactly the most likely to sit on the Iron Throne. What does it mean to have a story that isn't really about the Starks where a number of Starks continue to remain prominent? How does

@avclub-f6555ba4e932df692bdead3171d5e677:disqus I think we can all agree he was no Patchface.

@avclub-7e1ce4ce3124fd9ecc13a151afcff11b:disqus Great, concise explanations of what when on. I'm going to reference this now when explaining some of the missed implications of these scenes to others.

I believe his face was crestfallen by the idea that Dany is crushing so hard that her first thought was whether random new dude survived. It just further emphasizes to Jorah that he'll never win her heart.

The pie is a lie!

They should form a union!

It's incredible what adding 7 or 8 stabs directly into a pregnant character's abdomen can do to shock an audience who is spoiled.

Iain Glen is much too attractive. He's great in the role, so I don't mind at all that he's too attractive for the part (and enjoy seeing his face so very much), but it makes it hard to take that aspect of his character seriously because I want to invite him to be the hand of this queen.

That's exactly how I took it. It clearly wasn't accidental and it happened just before she could make an irrevocable  stand beside him.

That's a fascinating observation. It's obviously not noble in terms of our standards, but I could see people in that society thinking protecting the purity of his property as noble. After all, white knighting/chivalry is pretty much based on the idea of women as property even if it superficially seems nice.

Here's a gem from the newbie thread in response to someone asking the OP why he doesn't think Tyrion and other non-Starks are characters worth identifying with: