Is the space pope reptilian

@AnalBumCover:disqus I no gut Buster anymore!

Ozai would fit right into this world. Zuko would turn into Theon here, Toph would be an even more awesome Brienne, and Katara would be Arya with a little Sansa thrown in (in terms of interests, not in terms of idly waiting for a good knight to sweep her off her feet).

He's truly the Kenny of Game of Thrones

and in the uterus

What Catelyn did in the book is exactly how all the book readers reacted when reading it.

Just waiting for the sweet release of death in her crazed anguish was too much for me. That and the worst c-section ever caused surprisingly visceral reactions in me - so brutal and brilliant.

Maisie is great every episode and this one was no different, except when she watched Grey Wind die. Maybe it was just my terrible TV, but she seemed expressionless.



Maeby's is easily my favourite episode of the season.

Hear hear!

What??? They are real sisters and real life incredible musicians???

He's definitely the Gay character with the Gay storyline, but the show is doing a great job of effortlessly making him simply a character with a storyline. I appreciate that

AVClub love Al

I watched it in real time, and then caught up with the series for the umpteenth time for Noel's reviews. Even though I had seen the series so many times and thought about it even more, I got so much more out of those discussions than I ever did in some classes in college. Those classic reviews and the ones for Avatar:

Or "this is the first Dothraki wedding I've ever attended."

Hey, he's not even the slightest bit interested in Myrcella…as far as we know.

I imagine Joffrey's is more akin to Lindsay's rather than Gob's for some reason.

This! This so much. I love the Matrix and rewatch it fairly regularly, and the one thing I can't get over is how much more intrinsically interesting I find Trinity, but after the first third of the first movie, she essentially just because a damsel in distress.

@avclub-1f3e9145ab192941f32098750221c602:disqus Lrrr, is that hippie not sitting well?