Is the space pope reptilian

Not sure if this is meant to be a negative portrayal when coming from Krieger.

Loras' prostitute spy also showed his flaccid dick for a few seconds as well, so you don't even have to win on the technicality.

She want snoo snoo

And doesn't pee himself!

Dragons are the arch nemeses of meth producers.

My only complaint is that there wasn't enough drunk Cersei.

That's so true. I suppose it's because Huck is more or less the only character with any sort of a redemptive arc whatsoever. Also, he and Billy Chambers seem to be the only two who have any real sense of the horrors of their actions (Though Billy's belief in eternal damnation more or less let's him do terrible things

Once I got over the shock I did realize that if this were a show written and run by anyone else it would have been clear that older black male was Olivia's father. Then I realized if the show were not written and run by Shonda then there probably wouldn't be a black female lead period.

Yeah, I'm legitimately not sure if that was acting. I'm constantly worried he's going to burst an artery.

It's funny, the only thing I ever noticed him in was Grey's Anatomy where he played Meredith's father and I hated every time he was in an episode because it was such a terrible, uninteresting character. Now he's playing one of the best characters on a show full of interesting ones and it's just hard to believe it's

I'll maintain that too. I love strong female characters who defy stereotypes, but it's also fun when stereotypically feminine women can be shown to be strong and capable too. There are so many aspects of the film that I just adore, but the way she won the case at the end actually surprised me and was completely

She just needed to remember not to look so constipated when dressing up as a frigid bitch!

Obviously, I (and hopefully no one else) wouldn't call Legally Blonde edgy, but I do think that was a risky role for her to take since it was taking her edge and making it more marketable, which could have failed completely. It was the perfect mix of her strengths with mainstream appeal. Then Legally Blonde 2 happened

This would complete my life. I need it to be so now.

Yeah, just because her character is essentially an old maid in the Game of Thrones universe (I mean she flowered fucking ages ago, amirite?) I am not at all ready to see this actress in real life go the full Mena Suvari to titillate the viewers.

That's so true. She's literally going all over the map.

I can't stop laughing at it or stop imagining it!

I still can't think of that failure without uncontrollably grimacing. I still love those books and have made sure all my nieces have them available to read (except the youngest because she's 4 and that would destroy her childhood).

Yeah, I wonder if they will start setting up Varys plot when they bring in Dorne (or shortly thereafter) instead of waiting until whenever the show hits that point in the books.

If only she could meet up with Brienne! But I love Brienne and Jaime's story a lot, and adding someone else to their journey would probably be a mistake.