Is the space pope reptilian

The incredible set-up is what makes the action moments interesting. I totally get people thinking too much of this episode was wheel spinning, but if you can't get into awesome people plotting, and good actors emoting, this show will be mostly a let down, I would think.

It's easy to forget. They found it randomly and nothing has happened with it as of yet.

@Cutlass12:disqus Her character truly is a gift that keeps on giving! Plus, this was basically the Final Boss in terms of her encounters, so it was extra tense, since it was unclear if it would be a draw, if she would lose for the first time, or if Tywin would finally be bested.

When does Nicolas Cage find out that the real treasure was his family?

Sam and Jon are not going to the same places on the Wall. Sam is hoping (without skills) to get back to near Castle Black where the Night's Watch crossed the wall, while Jon and the Wildlings are crossing the Wall either near an abandoned watch castle or between them, so that they maintain the element of surprise.

I loved the way you could feel her surprise and envy in that scene.

Obviously Shae for all the way Mae, Lux.

They did randomnly find dragonglass in season 2. That's why Sam has a dragonglass dagger and a whole bag a tricks he's still carrying around.

He won't kiss babies, but he'll kiss something to get your vote!

I just thought the video was terrible, and I can't imagine it ever gaining any traction among any Internet demographic. However, I do think they were trying to satirize what a viral video is, which is probably why it was terrible, since the intent was not to actually make one that would be good in our reality.

Maybe it's because show Sam isn't expressing self doubt every moment, while simultaneously accomplishing a lot. We get that you have low self-esteem!

And she doesn't need to look back to see the cool explosion! Also, she is somehow wearing sunglasses.

He's a sociopath with a PR team now. Doesn't stop his need for being the world's assiest ass, though.

The repartee was the sex. No buggery, though.

What a glorious scene that was with Oleanna and Tywin.

Especially after more-or-less failing with the viral video last season. I could totally see bored Selina take off in real life.

@Mice Tyson, not to discredit the actorly prowess of our gentlemen, but it is probably mighty hard not to have chemistry with Washington, who is both mesmerizing as an actress and just mesmerizing generally.

Allen was great season long, but Coster-Waldau has a home run Emmy submission episode right here.

Tywin, Jaime and Jorah are all pretty hot to me.

Yeah, that's what really got me in the book. Once they starting eating, I felt the same palpable relief Catelyn did, figuring some uncomfortable shit and compromises would go down, but nothing too terrible. Goddamn Freys!