Is the space pope reptilian

Also oral and handy js. I always interpreted it that way. As long as he gets off, he's probably too blackout to remember how the next day.

Yeah, how exactly will Joffrey take to hearing that Ser Loras will be his step-father? That seems like a weird thing to overlook.

Tobias and his Queen Mary.

Kinslaying is a terrible crime. Even though it would only be by proxy, that would undo any good will anyone has for Joffrey, I imagine.

We need a drunk Cersei bottle episode again so badly! Oh, you say other things happened during Blackwater? Probably wasn't important.

@avclub-8a5c1121fe24ecbeab48c97b07dec712:disqus and not just a taste; she's Queen Regent. People have to respect her and her decisions (or at least before Tywin came to take over his role as Hand) and the small council always took her seriously, did her bidding, even as they did their own bidding on the side. That's a


/is a goddamn fox

Which Cersei would love!

When the key to your success is promising to marry someone in exchange for territory and men, but you don't follow through, it is definitely a mistake. Now Robb has need of the Freys again and his words mean nothing.

I laughed so hard while simultaneously creeped the fuck out when I realized what song it was and who was singing. Great moment!

And they feel great!

The news of Pod has yet to reach beyond the wall. The prostitutes have not sent a raven either for some reason. Must be too busy.

This was the best line of the episode for me.

You know sexual tension/overwhelming understanding of the gift Dany has given these men. Same difference!

Cersei is my favourite character. In a different family she could have been more like a Sansa or more like a Margaery (not completely since she always was a bit cruel). She is just so boxed in by her gender and her heartless father that she can't see how some of her decisions are only adding to that, not making her

I think this episode overtook "Catherine" as my favourite thus far. The swearing in ceremony had so many good moments, and I loved that Sue got a slightly bigger presence for this episode.

I just got into Scandal and watched the whole series in the past two weeks (how have I been missing out for so long!) and realized the actress who plays Mellie went both to my high school, but also to my college. Such a crazy thing that somehow makes my love for the character grow.

Thank you for having my feelings for me so I didn't have to type them out!

@CineCraft:disqus 's clip is incredible. So many likes!