Is the space pope reptilian

Branson is actually a Socialist, not a Communist. And despite the church's hardline stance against socialism (and understanding of Christian socialism as oxymoronic) in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, there were many prominent Catholic Socialists.

But then Logo would have absolutely nothing that's remotely watchable except for Buffy the Vampire Slayer reruns!

This is how one of my friends speaks sometimes, especially when telling people to werq, so I just pretend it's a loving tribute to him.

And she coughed into her hand multiple times for extra wtf-ness

I fucking love that movie. The ending is so perfect and surprising (in terms of its maturity). I was tearing up extra hard when I first saw Jurassic Bark because it brought all of the emotions of Les Parapluies de Cherbourg back as well as being the most wrecking capper to a TV show I'd seen up to that point.

I'm in the exact same boat. So excited for this wonderful mess.

Hard to see, the dark side is.

Don't be gross. It's called sun tea.

It's okay, though. They now have Homonym to get them all the ratings they need.

My god, if one of Jenna's enemies beats Krakowski for the Emmy, I will fucking lock my dressing room door and have a tantrum.

Lady Rainicorn only speaks in Korean on Adventure Time.

Oh, that's a good catch.

She definitely had high points in parts of season 1, but I agree she didn't start killing it until season 2 when they zeroed in on the true Jenna.

Dammit, that made me tear up again at work…

This just made my afternoon.

They really got a lot of mileage out of who's picking lunch over the years, didn't they?

That had me lizzing

I sincerely didn't get that Betty White's ad was real until the second time they aired it.

Everything's coming up Hornberger!

I thought there was something a bit off during the first episode, but after the way the second episode brought everything together, I completely forgave the set-up pains.