Is the space pope reptilian

It really was the best thing they've done in years. I was in such shock that I couldn't even laugh when the state senator tried to explain his opposition to the anti-masturbation amendment.

I think the problem here is that the statement implies adopting is not the same as "real" parenting.

Ah that's a good point as well. Maybe it's both!

She is totally underestimated. Azula calls her a filthy peasant (I actually think Zuko calls her something similar at some point in season 1), even though Katara has bested Azula pretty much every time they've met until some outside force intervened (such as Zuko in the season 2 finale).

Oh god, the series better end with a flash forward of Korra with rocket shoes just cold owning whatever evil is in the world at that time.

A little detail I love about Azula's lightning in the finale is that she is so out of whack that it takes her forever to generate it and then control it enough to direct it in comparison to every other time she's used it. I don't know if they did it on purpose to illustrate how out of control she is at that time, but

and Mai should look like a man.

Katara is just so smart. They way she used her surroundings and pulled Azula into her trap was brilliant.

I am going to actively watch things with my children so I can introduce them to shows such as ATLA that they'll be too young to know, but also so I can get a sense of what they find on their own and what those shows mean to them. I feel like this is something that many people 40 and under will be doing just because we

All it takes is the destruction of Western civilization to get a show featuring exclusively non-white characters to be created and be popular?

@LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus  I'd love to have a week long sex session with Zuko, you know, if he were real and my age instead of 16. Wow I'm creepy…

You're right! I was thinking of the Southern Air Temple. I just Britta'd this.

I'm surprised that Ty Lee/Sokka/Suki isn't Ty George

Seriously, I know kamehameha has many syllables, but there are seriously times in the series where it takes a character two whole episodes to get the dumb word out and have the attack happen.

@avclub-951d3e731b6b2ac1e93cbba6e1b68e80:disqus I love that quote, though Classics graduate seminars are all about the incest jokes

I think there's an answer to your last question! Iroh was the crown prince at one time, so that might have been his crown (though how he got it into his cell is another matter).

@avclub-8583cd7c50cc85d47a8db2dae972cd72:disqus I would watch FMA before watching FMA:Brotherhood. There's absolutely no need to do so, I just think that while both are great the latter is more complex and fulfilling and I think the first series would be a letdown after it. Also, FMA came first, so that's the order

I believe its fan name is Pointy Pointy Chiro Rock (not actually, but it should be).

Yes, I lucked out and watched ATLA and FMA back to back. There are actually two Full Metal series by the way, and while the first 12 or 16 episodes are similar, they go in completely different directions and are both enjoyable.

So, Hazel is right that Appa flies that the speed of plot (I'm going to borrow this phrase forever, thanks!). For whatever reason, the Gaang took the longest possible way to the North Pole by going from the South Pole to the Eastern Air Temple to the North Pole. The writers clearly decided that speed of travel was too