Is the space pope reptilian

I don't think the right way to look at it is whether or not Aang has or has not killed people in the past. All those deaths were unintentional and happened out of self defense. He also feels incredibly bad about them as we see when he refuses to utilize the Avatar state because he doesn't like to lose control.

Ha, I didn't mean to plagiarize you. I swear your comment wasn't viewable to me when I wrote mine!

In regards to your last comment on this thread, the show explicitly shows Mai mostly, but also Ty Lee occasionally, having resentment for Azula's control over their lives. I can't remember every moment precisely, but the one that sticks out in my mind the most is when Zuko and Mai have their "I don't hate the world/I

I loved the fact that Katara got to finish Azula because it gave her something badass of her own to do and she deserved it. I was thinking more along the lines of what J Mann was thinking. Somehow once Katara has her trapped, Azula is about to rage herself into oblivion and Zuko stops that. It could have been really

Definitely disturbingly hilarious, which is my favourite kind of hilarious.

Wow, besides Aang and Katara not kissing, this is probably the only other way to improve such a great finale (the lion turtle deus ex machina doesn't bother me at all personally.)

@avclub-91546109eaf110327d50b0955865712a:disqus If this were a Whedon show, he would have been planning to kill Sokka all along, but change his mind at the last minute and have him lose a limb or an eye. Which kind of did happen in a way since I consider boomerang a part of Sokka, not just an instrument.

I cannot express how happy I am that the AV Club reviewed this show. I only started watching it after it ended, but it has become one of my favourite shows of all time. To get to discuss it with so many perceptive fans has been a real treat, as has been reading the reviews themselves. I'd be so sad that it's over, but

We spend a lot more relative time with Yoren in the book, so this scene didn't exist per se, but Arya did learn a lot from him, though not always in this direct a fashion.

Lady comes back from the dead and wreaks some havoc.

Margaery Tyrell has Chekhov's tits

Not that this is incredibly sensible, but Balon not only wants independence and also wants to control the north, he also has a huge grudge against the Starks because of all the reasons Theon threw in his face during the episode.

I have no standards. All I need is one pithy thing and I am content.

Dany: 30-40 plus dragons!

I used to like him, but he really shat on his supporters when he didn't repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell.

While I don't want to say Tyrion didn't trust Varys with Shae, the only reason Varys was involved with the Shae incident was because Varys in his spidery ways found out about her and thus became someone with whom Tyrion had to ally himself, so it wasn't really an issue of trust there.

If the fanboys aren't ready for that then I don't want to live on this planet anymore. It will be so tastefully done, with candles and shit, I promise. We'll even put Margaery Tyrell in the background naked, just to help you get through the experience!

@avclub-d0cf409eb912cc0cc950b41b6d892d07:disqus That is what the books do, but in a book there are roughly 30 chapters, so you switch between the characters just as much. You never spend more than 30 pages at a time with a character, and I'm pretty sure there is not a chronological way the show could translate the

I literally said to myself, "I'm glad I read this review." Good analysis and snappy writing, what more can we ask for?

"This is a kingdom for us modern men to root for"