Is the space pope reptilian

@Barnitosupreme:disqus Lost!

@avclub-b438234660b05ac0fa7c13ec58bec06b:disqus I'm just glad there's finally a word for that embarrassing thing I do at the end of a workout

Yeah, I also took exactly that with a heaping helping of "someone from a small town proving themselves in the big city they aren't prepared for" vibe

Seriously, is this not one of the great character introductions of all time? OF ALL TIME?!

Those Eyebrows I am in the same boat. If Korra then does "the Elaine" at some point we'll know the creators were thus inspired.

I knew someone must have posted this before I did. Foiled again!

I'm glad the AV Club isn't asking readers not to kill people, but rather not to kill and then blame them.

*slowly sway hands in front of me* It's an illusion! 

I've sopped her up already!

If Dida doesn't out last Phi Phi, heads will roll! Though I can totally see it if Phi Phi continues improving, because that's kind of an interesting arc and she's Sharon's main foil.

Who among you has the power to censor the censor?

Yeah, I didn't see it as being about being Irish either, though I think the sense of it being about the drunkfest of wannabees might have been drowned out by the sectarian color thing Liz embarked on through the episode.

I think Sue is by far my favourite writer. I'm always sad when I don't see her in group shots.

I think Catan might be fairly mainstream now. I first learned of it in HS in the South and so many of my college friends in the North play it and own their own copies. Now that I'm out in the world as an "adult" I keep meeting more and more people who have played it and own the board game itself. Obviously this is

I think they might be setting up Chriss to be the one or at least perfectly good like Floyd was pre-Cleveland

Azula's collapse was rushed, but I think that makes total sense. She was the golden girl of the royal family and always got her way. Then suddenly the same tactics she's been using all her life backfire on her. Zuko betrays his family to help the Avatar, Mai betrays Azula to help Zuko and Ty Lee betrays Azula to help

Having Kelly replace Santino would be a boon to the show. As people have said upthread, he thinks he's judging Project Runway most of the time, and pretty much sabotaged Pandora Boxxx.

Yeah, while in some instances it might seem to make sense in the short term to conform to society's racism, but this is just ridiculous. Don't let idiots keep you from doing anything, Dida! You're a f-ing drag queen for crying out loud. Challenge perceptions!

You are all over the comments tonight and I think I've agreed with every comment you've made. It has driven me insane that Willam does not seem to understand/willfully ignorant of the fact that other people did his make-up during his gigs.

Dida seemed to have the biggest crush in Untucked; her reaction was pretty adorable.