Is the space pope reptilian

Which, *SPOILERS*, is very apropos coming from Andrew.

I did not realize there was going to be a TVClub Classic entry for this and I am so excited to have stumbled upon it. I've seen the series maybe 4 times now, but I may have to watch it again just to follow along since there is so much good stuff to relive.

That might have been the highlight of the episode for me!

I was cringing through "For Good" for so many reasons, but your entire second paragraph explains the one thought that was most profoundly disappointing for me.

Phodreaw, you are so right. I am not a season 7 hater, so it's funny how it is even better than even I remember it.

Max Adler is incredibly handsome. I always feel so bad swooning over the asshole Karofsky, but I can't help it. Adler has it going on and I am apparently the most superficial person in the world.

Well, now you know everything about Alex's career because Jack talked about it for some reason

I was so happy to see Alan Garkle trapped in the stairwell. I still nurse a huge crush on both Floyd and Jason Sudeikis

I think you've hit the nail on the head, Plumberduck. I like that meta-analysis

Now that would have been tragic. What if Willow took the key power away from Dawn, killing Dawn, and then using that to power to destroy the universe by ripping holes in the fabric of space time? That would have been the most epic thing ever, though there would be no redeeming Willow after that…

Dark Phoenix meets Terminator would have been the best. Why did this not happen? I think I'll just go on thinking it did because this idea is so fun.

Buffy doesn't wear the red leather pants of moral ambiguity to fight Willow either, so you know what she's trying to do is right!

Also, though we saw a human(ish?) dude with fire hands, I always assumed the guys he beat were demons and soulless.

Also, on the issue of Spike's soul. I also do not understand how people think he got his soul back on accident. His dialogue leading up to the end of season 6 was ambiguous to the extreme, and even though JM was apparently told to play it as if he were trying to get his chip out, the over the top ambiguity of his

The whole dead lesbian trope issue is one of the biggest issues I have with the way people treat what they study in academia. Obviously everything exists in some sort of cultural context, but works themselves create their own rules within which they operate.

And, you know, the cheftestants made good food too

Plus, I'm sure he could turn the rose into some sort of tasty treat to enjoy post coitus.

Fo sho, split7inch. I think besides how attractive Padma's attire made her on any given day, the only other sartorial choices I ever noticed were Richard's shoes.


I've never laughed so hard at a prosopagnosia reference. You have enough ovaries in my book to do anything.