Is the space pope reptilian

I was as dumb as Fry…

The answer is yes

The better cousin is gone
Oh, Antonia, you will be missed (except not since you'll be in the final episode anyway). You really won me over this season and if I ever anywhere nearby I am checking out your restaurant.

*type, though if they could make any time operable that would be a great advantage

But, but, if the cheftestants can't make any time of heating device operable under any conditions do they really deserve to be Top Chef?

Gail looked exquisite in her dress on the new episode tonight

Between her and Colicchio, I don't know which team to play for

I want to go to there

It's not that they would never succeed; it's that their HS success would be the apex of their lives. That was clearly a central part of Will's character last season, what with him being a recovering HS glee star in a crappy marriage and a ho-hum job that only becomes bearable when he takes over the glee club. It also

that is the only question my brain has allowed since I read this article

Wow, you're right. I was way off.

Abby Flynn on Joan of Snark
The Freshest Female Voice In Comedy

She was Alyssa Milano