
Tired of hearing about the shows "gender issues". Stop watching it if you've got such a problem with it.

Jesus this new site is impossible. The front page is a complete clusterfuck. It seems so random and unorganized. Reluctantly saying goodbye until you can fix this mess.

"All hail R. Kelly forever and ever amen"

I'd say the real crime was predictability.

Too goofy for my tastes, not scary. That formula is dynamite though. Dynamite!

The intro is the most terrifying thing ever to appear on television. Gave me the creeps as a kid and still does.

Beef jerky.

Minus part 6, as I just found out.

He was also bound in place, presumably powerless. Also he may have just been joking.

Please don't ever go to Oz or the fairy world ever again. The show's best when it sticks to its horror roots.

Yeah lame episode. Fun hanging out in the vault, but Oz? Not a good idea.

Uh, if you say so.

Yeah I thought the dialogue was sharp and the backstory handled well.

Yeah that terrified me. Same when Indy turned bad in Temple. Wait, we're talking about the same thing right?

The pale man looked scary, but the scene itself didn't actually scare me much. It hit every mark it was supposed to, but didn't actually deliver. I kind of think it was over-crafted. Something that's so artificial and handmade… the more money and effects you throw on screen, the time and money spent on immaculate

Hahah, that scared the ever-living piss out of me. You're right that may have been my first REAL scare.

The ones that scare me are the weird ones that just are wrong in some bizarre, uncanny, bad dream sort of way…

Enjoying this show a lot more than I thought I would. I think it will be around for a while.

I'll be severely disappointed if they don't take the show in that direction. It was a breath of fresh air and gave a completely new since of direction and purpose.

I have to give this one a D. It was dull and retread too many overdone plot lines. It doesn't help that the angels are my least interesting baddies on the show. Their limits and abilities are all over the map on any given episode — including in this episode. They're fallen angels, but seemingly have all their powers?