
That's stuff Dave was doing decades earlier.

Craig Ferguson with "magical" guest Russell Brand? It's not going to happen.


Agreed, that was kind of "out there" for an otherwise well-grounded show. The cut-rate CG didn't help.

Sounds like Kesha with a little less hepatitis.

Just cut-rate hackery, but in full-on d-bag mode so AV club loves it.

Song for Zula and Get Lucky in a two-way tie for me. Royals started out as "hey that's a pretty cool song" to "JESUS STOP PLAYING THAT FUCKING SONG" in the span of about two weeks.

Oh snap, you caught my typo. Good for you.

"I keep it 300, like the Romans"

I saw them for the first time live on SNL and they were pretty terrible IMO. They sound a bit more together on the recorded tracks, but I'm just not hearing what AV Club is hearing.

Not at all what I said. I said "Tired of hearing about the shows "gender issues". Stop watching it if you've got such a problem with it." Anytime something bad happens to a female character we get lengthy article about it, a low grade, and a bunch of "yeps" from the hive mind. I think it's a pretty weak case for it,

I look forward to the next time a female character dies so we can hear how they kill all the female characters off because of misogyny.

Male characters die all the time on this show. They're also called names and tortured. Just pointing out the obvious.

So Kevin's dead now? Why do the writers hate men so much?

Doesn't anyone remember the first law of storytelling? If you don't see a body, they're probably not dead. Ten buck says Daryl grabbed the baby before it got eaten.

They were just as developed as the male characters with similar screen time, but then I didn't say they were all fully developed did I, I just said they didn't fit into your overly simplified bucket of comfort/pain for the boys (or the madonna/whore buckets others seem to be putting them into).

So I guess the sole purpose of Becky, Pamela, Gwen, Ellen, and Jo (and as you mention Charlie, Abaddon, and Jody Mills) was to provide comfort to Sam and Dean. Oh wait, no, they didn't do that at all, they each had skills or roles that were completely different than that. Not to mention that none of them fit it into

Welcome to AV Club, where every TV show is actually an invitation to write a treatise on gender/racial/economic inequality. Got to put that degree to use somehow.

Two. It makes me extra chauvinist and blind to the rampant gender issues in everyday entertainment that we should all be obsessed with (or we're doing it wrong.) There's been seemingly dozen of reviews bemoaning the show every time a female character dies or has sex — while ignoring every instance when they don't

No I get it, everything in life deserves a ten page essay on gender issues or we're not progressive enough (and you should be!)