
"I'm not just a dolphin, I'm a lawyer!"

I always liked the Fuck that wasn't in Galaxy Quest. When Gwen DeMarco sees the room full of stompers she very clearly says "Well fuck that!!!" But I guess in the hopes of keeping that PG rating intact they dubbed "screw" over fuck. It's so blatant I can't help but laugh every time.

I thought he sounded like Adam Sandler doing an Italian guy.

I thought Luca would probably win, even though what's her face seem to have perfect dishes throughout. Contestants seem to not realize that being brash and unlikable won't help them in this contest. The end product is a cookbook that presumably MasterChef Inc wants to make money from. If they have a mean, vindictive,

I thought he might have miscast, but this gives me hope.

Not all that familiar with the character from the comics, but what difference does it make?

Nope, he was good.

Idris Elba was the dude from Thor?!?! How the %$#@ did I not know this?!? Self-revoking any geek cred I thought I had.

It's so ironic. 

Eh, that wasn't great, but Ghosts of Mars was a whole other level of bad.

To be fair, he only never showed them on the show because it was cancelled. I'm sure the plan wasn't to never show them at all. You have it show the thing at some point. Even in Jaws and Alien you eventually see them.

Love me some John Carpenter, but this was terrible. A real embarrassment. It was so cheap and poorly shot it wouldn't be out of place as a Syfy original.

I just assumed the lady that suddenly appeared was the egg thing since she showed up right after it disappeared. I dunno, I have no idea what's happening.

I didn't find them to be clunkily shot, but I do agree the scripts were what did them in. I assume he didn't write them.

The stories weren't exactly top notch in Tron and Oblivion, but the guy does have a good eye. 

Oh snap.

The scene in the first movie where Kick-ass and Nic Cage are put on the Internet to be beaten and publicly executed made me physically ill, which surprised me, as I usually have a high tolerance for violence and mayhem in movies. I don't think I could watch it again.

"Can I Please Have an Oscar: The Movie"

Definitely Gravity in IMAX.Also Hobbit 2. The first was just so-so, but I can't help but get a little giddy to see Smaug in action.

It looked great, but what a waste of time and talent. The story was weak. Most of the build-up felt like filler to kill time. There wasn't an interesting idea in the whole thing.  Just generic characters getting offed generically.