
I stopped reading after the first paragraph. Now to track this movie down. 

It would be great if the Big Brother House could quickly be transformed into the death trap from the movie Cube. 

"you're dead and going to heaven and God just wanted to torture you a little bit first (I guess?)"

Eh… I dunno. Haven't seen it, but I like the focus on life and death rather than drugs.

The whole concept of the movie is this guy coming to terms with his death. If it's all hell and misery then The End, then there's no story arc or character growth. It's just a series of scary moments. Do you find it preachy because it features some version of 'heaven'? I think the entire movie hinges on the ending.

^ This. The most effective use of sound design I've ever heard in a movie. I wanted to crumple on the floor.

I loved the ending. I couldn't imagine a different or better one. To me it's a note perfect mix of acceptance and sadness.

Couldn't agree more. I really think that moment is the most dread I've ever felt in a movie. I just wanted to curl into a ball and whimper "nooooo". There's something so unsettling about the way they did the sound. It feels separate from the movie, like it's someone next to you whispering in your ear. Just horror

She was still super hot.

'Stop Draggin' My Heart Around' is an amazing song.

Agreed, this would be a match made in heaven.

Would love to see this one in a 1960s small-town setting, but if I had to guess: Encyclopedia will be an ace computer hacker who stumbles on an international spy ring when he mistakenly comes into possession of a stolen microchip.

Sally, who could beat any boy in town in a fist-fight. She literally beat Bugs Meany to a pulp in her first appearance.

I loved those books as a kid and recently started introducing them to my son. I hope they don't "modernize" it by giving Encyclopedia "rad" catch-phrases and super-gadgets, or by sending him to L.A. for a "hilarious" rube in the big city tale.

When you rank the Toy Story sequels as "Okay I guess" you lose all credibility. Nice on putting Ratatouille as a masterpiece. I agree on that one.

I like the way they handled Randall. The way he was actually a seemingly nice guy but then ditched his friends at the first sign of "popularity". I think everyone knows someone like this. I didn't mind the part where Sully's roar caused him to mess up his trial, but they could have left off the part where he says

So I take it people spend their weekends writing up lengthy posts about what they did over the weekend to post as soon as this thread comes up?

Monster's University and The Last of Us, both excellent.

Haha, you may be right. Both my boys were crazy about Cars, so I had way too much exposure to it.

Eh, Tom Cruise maybe.