Brideshead Regurgitated

I'm jealous of everyone in this thread. I know next to nothing about Roman history. Where do I start? Should I just watch Rome or I Claudius?

The New York Times was far from orgasmic:

Wow. What a scumbag. Does he actually think that men in "civilized countries" are always "junior in their relationships"? Is he just fucking with us?

Those are pretty much the only two I take, but I've been away at school and just got back in May. Are they still up or are they pretty much gone?

I'm really disappointed that I have never once seen the posters. What trains have you seen them on?

Details on the Globe and RSC productions please! In a few months I'm moving to England for a year and I can't wait for the Shakespeare.

I read Changing Places by David Lodge on the advice of an old high school English teacher. I loved it, despite having never heard of Lodge. Is he better known in the UK?

He was so right though! They approved the resolution for independence on July 2. July 4 was only the day that they approved the actual Jefferson-penned Declaration of Independence (after some debate and edits). Most of the signers didn't even sign the thing until August 2.

Finished both A Storm of Swords and A Feast for Crows this weekend (didn't leave the house; it was perfect), started A Dance with Dragons. So far I like the first three better than the last two—these seem more sprawling and decentralized, like everyone's off doing their own thing rather than interacting with each

The trailer was alarming, to say the least:

In the most recent episode, Sally's friend said that Mitchell Rosen looked like Mark Lindsay. Mark Lindsay was the lead singer of a sixties band called Paul Revere & the Raiders. More importantly, he once lived at 10050 Cielo Drive, the house where Sharon Tate et al were killed. That makes three Manson allusions (if

I like them together. Is that weird?


It was indeed Moshe Dayan.

Poor Sally is going to have so much material for her army of shrinks in twenty years.

What the hell is the "International Guard," the thing that Ted is getting Mitchell into to avoid Vietnam? I was watching with my parents, who are both in their sixties, and neither had any idea what it was. Google is similarly unhelpful. The first time I was convinced I was just mishearing it and they were actually

I hope Virginia Woolf gets best revival, but I'm worried it flew under the radar? It was fantastic and got great reviews but I don't think it had a large enough audience beyond hardcore theater buffs.


What are they going to do with Edmure? He and the Tullys were Robb's allies, right? Presumably they could ransom him, but to whom?

I'm starting an internship in eight hours and I'm pretty sure I won't have regained the power of speech by then. I have done nothing but text variations of "HOLY SHIT" to a dozen people since the episode ended.