Brideshead Regurgitated

Are there any Tyrells besides Olenna (scheming with Ellaria) on the show? I vaguely remember reading that we'll meet Willas and/or Garlan in a forthcoming book, but has the show ever referenced them?

Joseph Fiennes is fine so far and hasn't had a whole lot to do, but seeing him upsets me because he's like Diet Coke Ralph Fiennes and I wish we could have the better version.

I read the book a long time ago and like being semi-unspoiled while watching this, so I won't google, but I'm curious: do we ever find out what precisely happened in the United States from a geographic/environmental standpoint? I know Anchorage is the capital and there's some mention of nuclear fallout or something in

When I was in college we thought it was pathetic when alums wrote letters to the editor opining about anything on campus. Lonergan, who as far as I can tell isn't an alum, is having a temper tantrum because some kid hurt his feelings by saying exactly the same thing that dozens of people have said about him. It's just

This is the correct answer. I love Lonergan, but it's just weird that he picked the outlet staffed by nineteen-year-olds of all the outlets he could have responded to.

I see both readings, and had to check Aberle's original piece. He doesn't use the words "alleged," so yours is right, but I think Lonergan's letter is just poorly written.

I had the opposite reaction—I'm amazed it's never happened until now. Seems like a dumb system and an easily avoidable mistake to me.

It's such a colossal embarrassing fuckup for PwC that I doubt it was staged.

I disagree with Graham on a tremendous number of things, but he has never once supported Trump. He voted for McMullin. John McCain voted for Trump. Even Jon Huntsman, who I once thought I wouldn't mind being president, said he planned to vote for Trump. (I believe he withdrew his support after pussygate, but then, so

His scene in Deathly Hallows Part 2 lasted about two minutes but to me it's one of the most memorable in the entire series. Now I need to rewatch the first movie's Ollivander scene…

Paul Ryan looked happy as a clam every single time they panned to him.

I'm sadder about the Big Apple Circus, which a. phased out elephants a long time ago and b. was a nonprofit which did a lot of good work. They went bankrupt late last year.

And the fact that he's so eager to send other people to war to enact his secret plan to fight ISIS, about which he knows more than the generals, and to cast himself as the savior of veterans, the wounded warriors whom he loves, when he has no idea what combat is. To him, it's just the ultimate projection of

Every time I think about Merrick Garland I feel more rage than I knew was possible. Fuck McConnell. He's just comically evil.

My favorite part of that was that he didn't know what a gold star family is. He also doesn't seem to know anything about John Lewis' district and assumed it's a crime-infested hellscape because its congressman is black. He just doesn't know so much stuff!

People smarter than I am have pointed out two things:
1. John Lewis is universally beloved on the Hill, even by Republicans. (I have no idea if this is actually true.)
2. Trump seems to respond angrily to people who have demonstrated indisputable physical courage, e.g. Lewis, John McCain. I wonder if that's a potential

Washington also voluntarily left his post after two terms. If Trump were impeached and convicted, I really think he'd at least try to launch some sort of military coup.

I don't have a 7 and I've never used the AirPod headphones, but I find the free normal Apple headphones fiendishly uncomfortable and can't stand to use them, so being forced to use them in order to listen to anything on my phone sounds like physical torture.