Brideshead Regurgitated

GWB did give Merkel a very awkward unsolicited shoulder massage at a G8 meeting, to her obvious profound irritation, so at least he and Trump will have that in common when Trump inevitably harasses her and then whines about how she, like Heidi Klum, is not a ten.

Adversarial role of the press is all well and good, but Greenwald thinks everyone who criticizes Russia or Putin is some sort of red-baiting shill for the neoconservative establishment.

Mayor de Blasio is trying to get refunded for the security costs. They might have to reroute flights in and out of New York. It's sickening.

And with the latest revelations out of the New York Times about Jared Kushner's shady business dealings with Anbang (a company so shady that Morgan Stanley and other banks won't work with them and Obama wouldn't stay in the Anbang-owned Waldorf Hotel because of security concerns) days after the election, it's worth

The Russians were also behind some fake news stuff, which would seem to be pretty effective at swaying opinion, considering that a guy drove hundreds of miles to shoot up a pizza place because of some fake news he'd read.

We were very lucky to have them.

This is the frightening part to me. He's upended so many norms, and these were norms that were not onerous. Remember how shocked everyone was when he read Lindsey Graham's cell phone number on TV? It all seems quaint now.

Are his supporters going to realize he's a clown and he's never going to make his long-awaited pivot? Do they care if he does? Do they want him to?

Disagree on the hereditary noble class. For one thing, there's nothing to ensure that the egomaniacs are all born into that class. Additionally, it doesn't stop them from entering commoner politics at all. George Osborne is going to be a baronet, Tony Benn renounced his viscountcy to serve in the House of Commons, and

I've never been to California and have no insights into its politics or his performance as governor, but we're at the point where I think "hmm, Arnold never wavered and said he was voting for Trump because the alternative was so much worse, so he must have some integrity."

He already has retaliated against Twitter. They pointedly were not invited to a meeting at Trump Tower with tech executives. The reason? They wouldn't make the campaign a proprietary Crooked Hillary hashtag emoji thing.

I go back and forth on this. Pence is truly evil, and truly believes the evil things he says (Trump, for all his faults, really doesn't seem to care about turning gay people un-gay), but he's a lot less likely to start a nuclear war, for starters. And before he was the VP nominee he at least tepidly opposed banning

I have enormous amounts of empathy for the structurally unemployed in this country. None of them seems to care a whit about my Jewish father or gay sister or disabled brother, let alone about non-white people.

The New York Times had an oped just the other day about how the perception in the poor rural parts of the country is that they're working their butts off to fund urban America's lazy decadent fornicating lives of plenty. It's pretty much the opposite. But apparently their perception is all that matters. Truthiness!

Poor Tilikum. It's not his fault he was homicidal.

I liked Berlin Station, but I like moody spy thrillers. The cast is great—I've never seen Rhys Ifans in anything except Harry Potter but I thought he was fantastic.

I remember reading that during the primaries, regular church attendance was one of the strongest predictors that someone would vote against Trump. And while he carried Utah easily, Trump got significantly fewer Mormon votes than Romney or Bush did.

Not only is it bad, it's so inexplicable. Like, why does Tom Hanks play every part? Who thought this was a good idea? I have so many questions?

What's everyone watching? I'm watching The Polar Express with my brother. It is so, so bad, but he loves it.

A dumbass friend of a friend in Virginia wrote in Bernie. On election night, when Virginia was still up in the air, he was utterly anguished on Facebook. I wanted to strangle him. Hopefully this garbage dump of a presidency will galvanize an appreciation for the importance of showing up and voting, if nothing else.