Brideshead Regurgitated

He got her out of the bedding ceremony thing before he had decided not to have sex with her or figured out that she didn't want to have sex with him. I don't think he did that out of his own bashfulness. Seems totally reasonable that he was looking out for her.

@avclub-ac9276d79d4473b8075df15ea199f8f4:disqus Not necessarily. Margaret Beaufort married when she was twelve and had the future Henry VII when she was thirteen. Of course, it physically messed her up and rendered her sterile, but you get the idea.

Thanks for sharing.

It's hyperbole, but Tyrion clearly got a shitty hand here too, and he's never (as far as I can remember) demonstrated getting any particular pleasure out of seeing people other than Joffrey suffer. And he's always had a soft spot for Sansa.

@avclub-c2f4107b6e40254227fa91ccae0a16aa:disqus What's wrong with having sex with a willing participant, given that we know that marriage to 14-year-olds is commonplace in Westeros? I mainly thought the exaggerated inebriation was to get out of that godawful sounding bedding ceremony, in which (presumably) he would

Definitely not the latter.

They strongly intimated it, but I always worry that they'll bring him back and confirm that he is, in fact, the true heir if/when they run out of outlandish plot development ideas.

I quite like that movie. Ralph Fiennes' performance is really beautiful. He captures shyness better than any other actor I can think of.

I disagree with the characterization of Le Carré as a "thriller writer." I get the sense he's often dismissed or pigeonholed as an author of genre fiction, comparable to Tom Clancy or the like, when I always thought of him as one of the greatest authors of postwar Britain whose chosen subject matter happened to be

I don't know if that was a spoiler, but if that turns out to have been a spoiler, I am going to write you a very strongly worded note.

It's hard for me, because he's objectively terrible, but to me there's something sort of insidiously charming about Littlefinger and I have to fight myself from liking him.

Am I the only one that finds Tyrion Lannister hot? I can't be, can I?

I like how she thought claiming she was pregnant would make her hammeredness sympathetic or justifiable.

The Grown Ups is my mom's favorite episode because she claims she caught a historical error in it. Betty refers to the Kennedy assassination as having occurred "this morning," but it was actually 12:30 pm Texas time, or 1:30 New York time. Poor Matthew Weiner.

@avclub-9cd818ea56273170b63f339aa6f34bca:disqus  That's how he always is for me. If I graphed my feelings about Pete Campbell, it'd look like a sine curve. One minute Pete's crying in an elevator about how his life is meaningless after getting the crap beat out of him by Lane, the next minute he's pimping Joan out to

I had the opposite reaction. It was too much of a "wink wink, get it, it's funny because it's topical because we know the Second Avenue subway line still isn't anywhere near finished" thing. Henry did something similar with George Romney last season.

I thought it was still possession of stolen property regardless of whether or not you know it's stolen. Lawyers?

I'm completely useless with faces. If not for these reviews, I'd have no idea who Mormont senior was, let alone the fact that he's related to Jorah.

Have we met Bolton before? I'm scared to google it for fear of spoilers—still reeling from accidentally learning that Renly would die well before it happened. Who exactly is Bolton?