Brideshead Regurgitated

I think it's a combination of backing the (probable because dragons) winning horse and genuine admiration for Dany.

Why does Hiddleston have such a cult following of teenage girls on Tumblr and the like? I think he's a great actor and very charismatic in interviews, but I'm basing that mainly on The Deep Blue Sea and some BBC Shakespeare stuff (and Wallander, but he was pretty dull in that). When did they decide they love him? And

The Huggies in Raising Arizona, surely.

Am I crazy or does Margaery kind of look like Kate Middleton, and if so, is that intentional? She's got that whole "make the monarchy look like human beings" shtick going on.

I'll be here always, while the rain falls in Wales…

The Onion somehow manages to consistently perfectly capture my feelings every time something like this happens. Their Newtown article was pretty spot on: http://www.theonion.com/art…

I believe that hating people is unproductive and destructive. Except Bieber. I hate him with a fiery passion that pervades my very soul. Gorge rises every time I look at his face. I would rather vomit my intestines and then go snorkeling in them than spend five minutes

Poor Stannis. I liked him a lot at the beginning—his stoic brutality was refreshing, if that makes sense—but now he's just floundering.

Fun fact: When they were at Cambridge together, Ian McKellan had a massive unrequited crush on Derek Jacobi.

According to my parents, both of whom were born during the Truman administration, it would have been incredibly weird that Don didn't at least have sideburns, because everyone else did.

Sondheim and Lloyd Webber get along (and bizarrely have the same birthday) and even did a hilarious collaboration for Cameron Mackintosh's birthday:

Waterston's fabulous in that movie. He and the woman who played Jordan Baker were the only bearable parts.

And the BBC is also theoretically doing a miniseries.

Dinklage linked this article saying that he's being replaced on the show on his Facebook page, because Dinklage is a cold, cold bastard. And it makes me love him even more.

He did, however, probably kill his rival to throne's offspring (Richard's illegitimate son and daughter). Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.

Holy shit. Please tell me that isn't photoshop.

His home phone number is listed in the New York City phonebook, or at least was a few years ago. Apparently he's been known to chat with the crackpots who call him.

This election is so uninspiring. I have no idea who to vote for. None. I loathe one, like one even though I shouldn't, and am completely ambivalent about the rest.

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus  And if you really want to get technical about it, with a few exceptions, the even-numbered streets run east and the odd-numbered streets run west.