Brideshead Regurgitated

Was Richard III not a bad guy?  That whole probably murdering his nephews, declaring his dead brother illegitimate, and seizing the throne thing doesn't bode well…

I still categorically refuse to believe that that is a real name.


I actually thought you were referencing Remus Lupin there and I was confused for a second.  Perhaps that was intentional.

Nah, I disagree.  You can't really understand Part 1 or Henry V without reading Part 2.  It's too bad Part 1 is usually the only one taught.

You mean because it's set in 19th century Japan and is hilariously bad?

Would those two gentlemen be my two noble kinsmen?

Um, his name is Matthew Macfadyen, not Macfayden.

"For Smug Eyes Only."

I don't get the Henry VI reference…is it that Henry VI is a seemingly interminable, early, not very good work?

What happened to Kenneth Branagh?  Henry V was a fucking triumph (better than Olivier's in my opinion), Much Ado about Nothing was pretty good, and then…did he just turn into a parody of himself?  (Although I do love his Hamlet, even though, or perhaps because, parts of it are hilariously bad.)  I think everyone

Does Mandy Patinkin have bladder problems?

I still miss original Law & Order.  There was something incredibly comforting about watching Sam Waterston bark at people with righteous indignation while wearing a repp tie.

They improved it.  By the last movie it looked less porn-ish and downright distinguished!

Edward James Olmos definitely wasn't in the Harry Potter movies.

I'm a diehard fan and I like the movies.  You just have to treat them as separate entities.  E.g. movie Lupin is nothing like my Lupin, but I like movie Lupin too.

Not true—they just made the scene Goyle and Zabini instead of Crabbe and Goyle, respectively.  Goyle performed Crabbe's nasty deeds, but he was still Goyle.

Not all Slytherins are evil.  Horace Slughorn, for example.  And Tonks' mother maybe?

I get that this isn't your point, but How the Irish Saved Civilization has been repudiated by pretty much every reputable historian for a bunch of different reasons (historiographical flaws, hyperbolic, post hoc ergo propert hoc, indisputable factual inaccuracies, etc.), so your the magnitude of your worries might be

Go Ephs!