Brideshead Regurgitated

I would like to check it out (alluded to it above) but as far as I can tell there's no way to watch it except buy the VHS from Amazon…did you see it when it originally aired on TV or is there another way?

"Breaking the Code."  I don't think it's out on DVD but I'd really like to check it out.

She did A Little Night Music in 2003 with Jeremy Irons, Claire Bloom, Marc Kudisch, and others.  I would KILL to see or hear a recording of it.  Kill.

He can actually be a remarkably sensitive actor—I think his performance as a widower/ass-kicker in "The Constant Gardener" is profoundly underrated.

The McKellen Richard III is pretty great. They integrated the Shakespearean dialogue with the more contemporary setting really well—e.g. the "My kingdom for a horse!" line after his car breaks down.