
Of the 9 Presidents in my lifetime, only 3 had no military service: Clinton, Obama and Trump.

Things that trigger obvious trolls, apparently.

Maybe I'm a bit out-of-date, but I spent about four months in BEQ at Subic Bay circa '91, with a new roomie every couple of weeks, half of them SEALs - and only one or two matched that description. (Ditto the whole platoon of them that were out on the beach doing their PT run every morning while I was walking to work

Your back yard is your own business - the HOAs generally can only deal with what's visible from the street.

Propaganda? No. Transphobic humor? Yes.

A lot of neighborhood/homeowners' associations in the US have banned roof antennas these days (mine's one - you're allowed a Dish Network antenna, but the traditional aerial is a no-go.) And where I'm at, you'd need a roof antenna to pick up anything broadcast. (Though I've now seen a couple that can be mounted in the

I'd like it if they just went back to Clark's original appearance (in Cardinal of the Kremlin); he's depicted there as fit but otherwise completely average-looking and nondescript (except for the small Seal tattoo on his arm, if anyone notices.) And from experience, that's pretty accurate for a number of

And The Rainbow Raider was more a Flash villain than a Superman one, as well.

I'm not sure exactly when the Aquaman villain Black Manta was actually revealed to be a black man, but it was early '70s or prior.

Didn't start that way - his name wasn't "revealed" until a Hawkman story in the '80s - but the name was a deliberate gag by the writer, Tony Isabella. (Just to nail it down, the story ends with Kite-Man stuck in a tree and yelling "RATS!!!" )

There's still one from the 70s north of me in Oregon. They've changed the name to "Little Sambo's" since the chain no longer exists, but it still has the Indian-looking kid and the tiger in blue shorts outside.

My best friend recently spent a couple of weeks in Scotland. One of the beers on tap in his hotel's pub was Sheep Shagger. Almost no one would order it by name, just point at the card.


Power from God. Apartment from Ikea.

Nice "Button, Button" /TZ reference.

A guy who passes
On hills and curves
Is not a man of
Iron nerves -

That's good enough to have been a real one!

Apparently a men's magazine actually ran a poll on this back in the early 90s. Arsenio Hall ran the (actual) scores: "58% said Wilma, 32% said Betty…which means there's 10% wanna be knockin' boots with Fred!"

OH no. I distinctly remember Jack In The Box's ad campaign in the late 70s when they decided to revamp the chain. The tagline on every ad was "Watch out, McDonald's!"

This is actually kind of new. Booze adverts were a no-no (by agreement rather than mandate) until a few years ago. Beer and wine were OK, but no hard liquor.